暗罗属![]() | |
![]() | |
Polyalthia longifolia var. pendula | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 植物界 Plantae |
演化支: | Tracheophyta |
演化支: | 被子植物 Angiosperms |
演化支: | 木兰类植物 Magnoliids |
目: | 木兰目 Magnoliales |
科: | 番荔枝科 Annonaceae |
亚科: | 排石木亞科 Malmeoideae |
族: | 野獨活族 Miliuseae |
属: | 暗罗属 Polyalthia Blume, 1829 |
种 | |
见正文 |
- Polyalthia amicorum A.C.Sm.
- Polyalthia amischocarpa I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia amygdalina (A.Gray) Gillespie
- Polyalthia angustielliptica G.E.Schatz & Le Thomas
- Polyalthia angustifolia A.C.Sm.
- Polyalthia angustissima Ridl.
- Polyalthia anomala Becc.
- Polyalthia asteriella Ridl.
- Polyalthia australis (Benth.) Jessup
- Polyalthia barenensis Bân
- Polyalthia barnesii Merr.
- Polyalthia beamaniorum I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia bembau (Miq.) Boerl.
- Polyalthia bifaria (A.DC.) Hook.f. & Thomson
- Polyalthia borneensis Merr.
- Polyalthia bracteosa Bân
- Polyalthia brevipedunculata Boerl.
- Polyalthia bromantha I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia brunneifolia J.Sinclair
- Polyalthia bullata King
- Polyalthia castanea Ridl.
- Polyalthia cauliflora Hook.f. & Thomson
- Polyalthia celebica Miq.
- 细基丸 Polyalthia cerasoides
- Polyalthia chalermglinii P.Bunchalee & D.M.Johnson[3]
- Polyalthia charitopoda I.M.Turner
- 西藏暗罗 Polyalthia chinensis
- Polyalthia chlorantha K.Schum. & Lauterb.
- Polyalthia chloroxantha (Miq.) Diels
- Polyalthia chrysotricha Ridl.
- Polyalthia cinnamomea Hook.f. & Thomson
- Polyalthia clemensorum Ast
- Polyalthia congesta (Ridl.) J.Sinclair
- Polyalthia corticosa (Pierre) Finet & Gagnep.[4]
- Polyalthia cratiensis Bân
- Polyalthia debilis (Pierre) Finet & Gagnep.
- Polyalthia dictyoneura Diels
- Polyalthia dolichopoda I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia dumosa King
- Polyalthia elegans K.Schum. & Lauterb.
- Polyalthia elliptica (Blume) Blume
- Polyalthia elongata Merr.
- Polyalthia endertii D.M.Johnson
- Polyalthia evecta (Pierre) Finet & Gagnep.
- Polyalthia flagellaris (Becc.) Airy Shaw
- Polyalthia flava Merr.
- Polyalthia floribunda Ast
- 小花暗罗 Polyalthia florulenta C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li
- 伞花暗罗 Polyalthia fragrans (Dalzell) Hook.f. & Thomson
- Polyalthia glabra (Hook.f. & Thomson) J.Sinclair
- Polyalthia gracilipes Merr.
- Polyalthia habrotricha A.C.Sm.
- Polyalthia harmandii (Pierre) Finet & Gagnep.
- Polyalthia heliopetala Leerat. & Bunchalee [5]
- Polyalthia hirtifolia J.Sinclair
- Polyalthia hookeriana King
- Polyalthia hypogaea King
- Polyalthia ichthyosma I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia igniflora D.M.Johnson
- Polyalthia insignis (Hook.f.) Airy Shaw
- Polyalthia jambosifolia (Ridl.) D.M.Johnson
- Polyalthia kanchanaburiana S. Khumchompoo & A. Thongpukdee[6]
- Polyalthia khaoyaiensis P. Bunchalee & Chantar., 2019[7]
- Polyalthia kinabaluensis I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia kingii Baker f.
- Polyalthia laddiana A.C.Sm.
- 剑叶暗罗 Polyalthia lancilimba C. Y. Wu ex P.T.Li
- Polyalthia lasioclada I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia lateriflora (Blume) Kurz
- Polyalthia lateritia J.Sinclair[8]
- 海南暗罗 Polyalthia laui Merr.
- 木羌叶暗罗 Polyalthia litseifolia C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li
- 陵水暗罗 Polyalthia littoralis
- 琉球暗罗 Polyalthia liukiuensis Hatus.
- 长叶暗罗 Polyalthia longifolia (Sonn.) Thwaites
- Polyalthia longipes (Miq.) Koord. & Valeton
- Polyalthia luensis (Pierre) Finet & Gagnep.
- Polyalthia meghalayensis Prakash & Mehrotra
- Polyalthia michaelii C.T.White
- Polyalthia microsepala Diels
- Polyalthia microtus Miq.
- Polyalthia miliusoides I.M.Turner,分布在东南亚沙巴州和文莱
- Polyalthia mindorensis Merr.
- Polyalthia minima Ast
- Polyalthia monocarpioides I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia montis-silam D.M.Johnson
- Polyalthia moonii Thwaites
- Polyalthia motleyana (Hook.f.) Airy Shaw
- Polyalthia myristica I.M.Turner
- 沙煲暗罗 Polyalthia obliqua Hook.f. & Thomson
- Polyalthia oblonga King
- Polyalthia oblongifolia C.B.Rob.
- Polyalthia oblongifolia Burck
- Polyalthia obtusa Craib
- Polyalthia odoardi Diels
- Polyalthia pachyphylla King
- Polyalthia palawanensis Merr.
- Polyalthia papuana Scheff.
- Polyalthia parviflora Ridl.
- Polyalthia patinata Jessup
- Polyalthia persicifolia (Hook.f. & Thomson) Hook.f. & Thomson
- 多脉暗罗 Polyalthia pingpienensis
- Polyalthia pisocarpa (Hassk.) I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia polyphlebia Diels
- Polyalthia praeflorens Bân
- Polyalthia pumila Ridl.[5]
- Polyalthia ramiflora Merr.
- Polyalthia rufescens Hook.f. & Thomson
- 香花暗罗 Polyalthia rumphii
- Polyalthia saprosma I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia sclerophylla Hook.f. & Thomson
- Polyalthia sessiliflora (Ast) Bân
- 腺叶暗罗 Polyalthia simiarum (Buch.-Ham. ex Hook.f. & Thomson) Benth. & Hook.
- Polyalthia sinclairiana I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia socia Craib
- Polyalthia stenopetala (Hook.f. & Thomson) Finet & Gagnep.
- Polyalthia stenophylla I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia suaveolens Engl. & Diels
- Polyalthia subcordata (Blume) Blume
- 暗罗 Polyalthia suberosa (Roxb.) Thwaites
- Polyalthia sublanceolata (Miq.) Merr.
- Polyalthia sumatrana King
- Polyalthia sympetala I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia taweensis Bunchalee & Leerat.[5]
- Polyalthia thorelii (Pierre) Finet & Gagnep.
- Polyalthia tipuliflora D.M.Johnson
- Polyalthia trochilia I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia tsiangiana P.T.Li
- Polyalthia venosa Merr.
- 疣叶暗罗 Polyalthia verrucipes C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li
- 毛脉暗罗 Polyalthia viridis Craib
- 盈江暗罗 Polyalthia yingjiangensis Y. H. Tan & B. Xue[9]
- Polyalthia zamboangaensis Merr.
- 栽培种:
- 垂枝暗罗 Polyalthia longifolia 'Pendula'
- . 中国数字植物标本馆. (原始内容存档于2012-04-11).
- . GBIF. [2023-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-18).
- Pasakorn Bunchalee, David M. Johnson, Nancy A. Murray and Piya Chalermglin. 2021. Three New Species of Polyalthia (Annonaceae) from Thailand and Laos. Phytotaxa. 512(4); 272–282. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.512.4.3
- Bunchalee P, Chantaranothai P. 2006 Notes on Polyalthia (Annonaceae). Thai Forest Bull., Bot. no. 34. 1-3.: http://web3.dnp.go.th/botany/PDF/TFB/TFB34/TFB34_1Polyalthia.pdf
- Pasakorn Bunchalee, Charan Leeratiwong and David M. Johnson. 2021. Two New Species and A New Record of the Genus Polyalthia (Annonaceae) from Peninsular Thailand. Phytotaxa. 510(3); 239–250. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.510.3.4
- Khumchompoo S, Thongpukdee A. 2005 Polyalthia kanchanaburiana (Annonaceae): a new species from Thailand. Thai Forest Bull., Bot. no.33. 35-41: http://web3.dnp.go.th/botany/PDF/TFB/TFB33/TFB33_6Polyalthia.pdf
- Pasakorn Bunchalee, Pranom Chantaranothai, David M. Johnson and Nancy A. Murray. 2019. Polyalthia khaoyaiensis (Annonaceae), A New Species from Thailand. Phytotaxa. 405(3):171. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.405.3.6
- Bunchalee P, Chantaranothai P. 2002. Polyalthia lateritia J. Sinclaire (Annonaceae), a new record for Thailand. Thai Forest Bull., Bot. no.30. 59-61 http://web3.dnp.go.th/botany/PDF/TFB/TFB30/TFB30_8Polyalthia_lateritia.pdf
- . NSII. [2023-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-18).
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