


  • 点缺陷
  • 线缺陷
    • 刃位错(edge dislocation)
    • 螺旋位错(screw dislocation)
    • 向错 (disclination)
  • 面缺陷
    • 晶粒边界(grain boundary)
    • 反相畴界 (antiphase boundary)
    • 堆垛错误(stacking faults)
    • 孪晶界(twin boundary)
  • 体缺陷


  1. P. Ehrhart, Properties and interactions of atomic defects in metals and alloys Archive.is存檔,存档日期2013-02-03, volume 25 of Landolt-Börnstein, New Series III, chapter 2, p. 88, Springer, Berlin, 1991
  2. R. W. Siegel, Atomic Defects and Diffusion in Metals, in Point Defects and Defect Interactions in Metals, J.-I. Takamura (ED.), p. 783, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1982
  3. J. H. Crawford and L. M. Slifkin (编). . New York: Plenum Press. 1975.
  4. G. D. Watkins, Native defects and their interactions with impurities in silicon, in Defects and Diffusion in Silicon Processing, T. Diaz de la Rubia, S. Coffa, P. A. Stolk, and C. S. Rafferty (eds), vol. 469 of MRS Symposium Proceedings, p. 139, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1997 ISBN 1558993738


  • Hagen Kleinert, Gauge Fields in Condensed Matter, Vol. II, "Stresses and defects" 页面存档备份,存于, pp. 743–1456, World Scientific (Singapore, 1989); Paperback ISBN 9971-5-0210-0
  • Hermann Schmalzried: Solid State Reactions. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim 1981, ISBN 3-527-25872-8.
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