提比里亞或太巴列(希伯来语:טְבֶרְיָה,Tveria,Tiveria ⓘ,阿拉伯语:,Ṭabariyyah,古希臘語:,Tiberiás,希臘語:,Tiveriáda,英語:,/taɪˈbɪəriəs/),以色列城市,位於巴勒斯坦北部加利利海畔的下加利利。1948年,以色列占领提比里亞。目前是以色列的一個古城。
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希伯來語轉寫 | |
• 轉寫 | Teverya |
![]() 提比里亞夜景 | |
![]() ![]() 提比里亞 在以色列的位置 | |
坐标:32°47′40″N 35°32′00″E | |
行政区划 | 北部区 |
政府 | |
• 类型 | 城市 |
• 市長 | 罗恩·科比 |
面积 | |
• 总计 | 10,872 杜纳亩s(11 平方公里 或 4 平方英里) |
人口(2021年)[1] | |
• 總計 | 46,698人 |
聖經人物或地方名稱 | |
天主教譯名 | 提比里亞 |
新教譯名 | 提比里亞 |
伊斯兰教譯名 | 提比里亞 |
希伯來语 | טבריה |
希伯來語轉寫 | Təverya |
提比里亞希伯來語拼音 | Ṭəḇeryāh |
古希臘語 | Τιβεριάς |
阿拉伯语 | طبرية |
阿拉伯語轉寫 | Ṭabariyyah |

希律王執政時,猶大行省的猶太人拒絕前往當地定居,認為當地不潔淨,因為當地有一個墳場。17世紀左右,提比里亞被視為是猶太教四大聖城之一。[5] 猶太傳統相信彌賽亞在當地崛起,而猶太公會亦會在當地復興。
- . Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. [2023-02-22].
- . [2008-03-28]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-10).
- 約書亞記19:35 "堅固的城就是:西丁、側耳、哈末、拉甲、基尼烈"
- Josephus. . XVIII.2.3. [2021-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-08).
- Wigoder, Geoffrey (编). . Macmillan: 768. 1989.
Term applied to the Erets Israel cities of Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed and Tiberias. These were the four main centers of Jewish life after the Ottoman conquest of 1516. The concept of the holy cities dates only from the 1640s, when the Jewish communities of Jerusalem, Hebron, and Safed organized an association to improve the system of fundraising in the Diaspora. Previously, such fundraising had been undertaken by individual institutions; now it was agreed that the emissaries would be sent on behalf of each urban Jewish community as a whole, with not more than one emissary per town. After Tiberias was refounded in 1740, it also joined the association. This arrangement did not last long, however, and by the mid-19th century there was no authority strong enough to enforce a centralized collection of ḥalukkah funds. The term "Four Holy Cities" became a convenient designation by historians rather than the title of an actual functioning body. In Jewish tradition, going back to ancient times, the only city regarded as holy is Jerusalem
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