托斯腾·哈格斯特朗 | |
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原文名 | |
出生 | 瑞典穆海达 | 1916年10月11日
逝世 | 2004年5月4日 瑞典隆德 | (87歲)
国籍 | 瑞典 |
公民权 | 瑞典 |
母校 | 隆德大学 |
知名于 | 時間地理學 人口遷徙 文化扩散 |
奖项 | 瓦特林·路德国际地理学奖 美国地理学家协会杰出成就奖 维多利亚勋章(1979) |
科学生涯 | |
研究领域 | 地理学 |
机构 | 隆德大学 |
哈格斯特朗于1937年进入隆德大学。他在1953年完成的博士论文《作为空间过程的创新扩散》(Innovation Diffusion as a Spatial Process)因在人口发展中创造性地使用蒙特卡罗模拟而闻名。[4]它展示了如何在个体的空间尺度以及大型空间集合体上使用空间过程的动态增量模拟。四十年后,地理学家Andrew Cliff评论了哈格斯特朗方法的远见:“须知本书所依据的大部分研究都可以追溯到几乎没有计算机的时代,更不用说为地理学家所用了,如今重度依赖算力的模拟法在当时就已被想到,实属非凡。”[5]
哈格斯特朗的研究有赖于隆德大学的发展,特别是瑞典第一台计算机之一Siffermaskinen i Lund(SMIL)的建立。[6]哈格斯特朗指出,瑞典计算机科学家Carl-Erik Fröberg是哈格斯特朗的“中学以来的同学”[6],在Fröberg等瑞典青年科学家前往美国的一次旅行之后,他向哈格斯特朗介绍了蒙特卡罗方法,该方法确定了其博士论文的思路。是次旅行是由瑞典政府资助,瑞典希望借此建造自己的计算机的项目。[6]
1969年,在丹麦哥本哈根举行的区域科学协会欧洲大会上,他作了题为《区域科学中的人呢?》(What about People in Regional Science?)的报告。[7]会议报告的论文于1970年正式发表,成为時間地理學的开山之作。论文提出了两个概念:
哈格斯特朗最初的工作主要是定量的,这点很重要,因为当他在1942年发表他的第一篇论文时,地理学还是一个高度描述性的学科。[8]在1950年代,他是为统计原始数据进行地址编码的先驱。[9]他设计了一些模型和统计技术,例如时空立方体和时空棱柱,在之后的地理信息系统开发中,这些技术对运动数据的处理和可视化至关重要。[10]他的作品启发了Allan Pred和Nigel Thrift等人,他们帮助将这些技术带到了英语世界。[11]
哈格斯特朗的研究继续成为非表征理论基础的一部分,新一代社会科学家[16]和生物学家[17]对他的工作进行了重新评价,这意味着他至今仍是一位有影响力的思想家。2005年,Nigel Thrift总结了哈格斯特朗的时间地理学对当代社会科学的五个贡献:
1968年,哈格斯特朗教授获得了美國地理學協會的Charles P. Daly奖章,并于1968年获得了美国地理学家协会颁发的杰出成就奖。1979年,他获得了皇家地理学会颁发的维多利亚奖章。
1992 年,托斯腾·哈格斯特朗获得了地理学的最高奖项:瓦特林·路德国际地理学奖。
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Lund studies in geography: Series B, Human geography, 4. Lund: Royal University of Lund, Dept. of Geography. 1952. OCLC 254752.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Svensk Geografisk Årsbok. 1955, (31): 233–255 (瑞典语).
- Hannerberg, David; Hägerstrand, Torsten (编). . Lund studies in geography: Series B, Human geography, 13. Lund: CWK Gleerup. 1957. OCLC 170619.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. [Innovationsförloppet ur korologisk synpunkt]
. Postscript and translation by Allan Pred; Translated with the assistance of Greta Haag. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1967a [1953]. OCLC 536383.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 1967b, (42): 1–19. JSTOR 621369. doi:10.2307/621369.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Papers of the Regional Science Association. 1970, 24 (1): 6–21. S2CID 198174673. doi:10.1007/BF01936872.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Rapporter och notiser, 9. Scandinavian population studies. Lund: Lunds universitets kulturgeografiska institution. 1973. OCLC 185647319.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten.
. Chorley, Richard J (编). . London: Methuen. 1973: 67–87. ISBN 978-0416608304. OCLC 789168.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Bylund, Erik; Linderholm, Håkan; Rune, Olof (编). . Luleå: Norrbottens Museum. 1974: 271–276. OCLC 3035384.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Rapporter och notiser, 13. Lund: Lunds universitets kulturgeografiska institution. 1974. OCLC 185647393.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten.
. Karlqvist, Anders; Lundqvist, Lars; Snickars, Folke (编). . Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. 1975: 3–14. ISBN 978-0347010528. OCLC 1364735.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Geoforum. 1976, 7 (5–6): 329–334. doi:10.1016/0016-7185(76)90063-4.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten.
. Carlstein, Tommy; Parkes, Don; Thrift, Nigel J (编). . Timing space and spacing time 2. New York: Wiley. 1978: 122–143. ISBN 978-0713159899. OCLC 4935024.
- Buttimer, Anne; Hägerstrand, Torsten. . DIA paper, 1. Lund: University of Lund. 1980. OCLC 8534714.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. 1982, 73 (6): 323–339. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9663.1982.tb01647.x.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten.
. Buttimer, Anne (编). . London; New York: Longman. 1983: 238–256. ISBN 978-0582300873. OCLC 8629687.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten (编).
. European Science Foundation; International Colloquium on the Identification of Progress in Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985. ISBN 978-0521300872. OCLC 10924966.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Aida, Shūhei (编). . Tokyo: United Nations University Press. 1985: 193–216. ISBN 9789280805604. OCLC 13025296.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . A selection of Professor Hägerstrand's 300-odd scholarly essays, articles, lectures, and papers, edited by Gösta Carlestam and Barbro Sollbe. Stockholm: Byggforskningsrådet. 1991. ISBN 978-9154053636. OCLC 29548202 (瑞典语).
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Svedin, Uno; Aniansson, Britt Hägerhäll (编). . Ecology, economy & environment, 2. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1992: 13–21. ISBN 978-0792317968. OCLC 25788428.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Haggett, Peter; Cliff, Andrew (编). . The Institute of British Geographers special publications series, 31. Oxford; Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. 1995: 35–45. ISBN 978-0631195344. OCLC 30895028.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten.
. Buttimer, Anne (编). . Sterling, VA: Cork University Press. 2001: 35–58 [1995]. ISBN 978-1859183007. OCLC 45879916.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten; Carlstein, Tommy. . Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. December 2004, 86 (4): 315–323. doi:10.1111/j.0435-3684.2004.00170.x.
- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Edited by Kajsa Ellegård and Uno Svedin, with a bibliography by Bo Lenntorp. Stockholm: Forskningsrådet Formas. 2009. ISBN 978-9154060337. OCLC 456875435 (瑞典语).
- Buttimer & Mels 2006
- Öberg 2005
- Öberg 2005; Pred 2005
- Hägerstrand 1967a; Morrill 2005; Lenntorp 2008
- Cliff, Pred & Hägerstrand 1992
- Brauer & Dymitrow 2017
- Hägerstrand 1970
- Hubbard et al. 2002
- Aase 2004
- For example: Miller 1991; Kwan 2004; Kraak 2008; Yu & Shaw 2008; Wilson 2008; Kenett & Portugali 2012; Long & Nelson 2012
- Thrift 1977; Pred 1977; Pred 1981
- Christiaan van Paassen, The philosophy of geography: from Vidal to Hägerstrand, in Pred 1981
- Hägerstrand 1983; Hubbard et al. 2002
- Rose 1993
- For example: Kwan 2002; Kwan 2007; Kwan & Ding 2008; McQuoid & Dijst 2012; Scholten, Friberg & Sandén 2012
- For example: Ellegård & de Pater 1999; May & Thrift 2001; Latham 2003; Schwanen & Kwan 2009; Ellegård & Palm 2011; Ingold 2011
- For example: Baer & Butler 2000; Huettmann & Cushman 2009; Downs, Horner & Tucker 2011
- Thrift 2005
- Aase, Alørn. . Norwegian Journal of Geography. 2004, 58 (4): 216–217. S2CID 129084919. doi:10.1080/00291950410002728.
- Baer, Leonard D; Butler, David R. . Geographical Review. April 2000, 90 (2): 206–221. S2CID 162614564. doi:10.1111/j.1931-0846.2000.tb00331.x.
- Brauer, René; Dymitrow, Mirek. . Moravian Geographical Reports. June 2017, 25 (2): 74–84. doi:10.1515/mgr-2017-0007
- Buttimer, Anne; Mels, Tom. . Foreword by Torsten Hägerstrand. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate. 2006. ISBN 978-0754648147. OCLC 63187516.
- Cliff, Andrew; Pred, Allan; Hägerstrand, Torsten. . Progress in Human Geography. October 1992, 16 (4): 541–544. S2CID 145756486. doi:10.1177/030913259201600403.
- Downs, Joni A; Horner, Mark W; Tucker, Anton D. . Annals of GIS. September 2011, 17 (3): 163–171. S2CID 7891668. doi:10.1080/19475683.2011.602023.
- Ellegård, Kajsa; de Pater, Ben. . GeoJournal. July 1999, 48 (3): 149–153. S2CID 147585214. doi:10.1023/A:1007059105684.
- Ellegård, Kajsa; Palm, Jenny. . Applied Energy. May 2011, 88 (5): 1920–1926 [2022-09-13]. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2010.11.019. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04).
- Hubbard, Phil; Kitchin, Rob; Bartley, Brendan; Fuller, Duncan. . Continuum studies in geography education. London; New York: Continuum. 2002. ISBN 978-0826456250. OCLC 290572149.
- Huettmann, Falk; Cushman, Samuel A (编). . Tokyo; New York: Springer. 2009. ISBN 9784431877707. OCLC 567359237. doi:10.1007/978-4-431-87771-4.
- Ingold, Tim. .
. London; New York: Routledge. 2011: 220–228. ISBN 9780415576833. OCLC 500783858.
- Kenett, Dror Y; Portugali, Juval. . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. July 2012, 102 (29): 11472–11473. Bibcode:2012PNAS..10911472K. PMC 3406849
. PMID 22778423. doi:10.1073/pnas.1209306109
- Kraak, Menno-Jan. . Dodge, Martin; McDerby, Mary; Turner, Martin (编).
. Chichester, England; Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 2008: 293–306. ISBN 9780470515112. OCLC 191847101. doi:10.1002/9780470987643.ch15.
- Kwan, Mei-Po. (PDF). Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography. 2002, 9 (3): 271–279 [2022-09-13]. S2CID 145232831. doi:10.1080/0966369022000003888. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-09-13).
- Kwan, Mei-Po. (PDF). Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. December 2004, 86 (4): 267–280 [2022-09-13]. S2CID 18126588. doi:10.1111/j.0435-3684.2004.00167.x. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-04-21).
- Kwan, Mei-Po. (PDF). The Professional Geographer. 2007, 59 (1): 22–34 [2022-09-13]. S2CID 10120944. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9272.2007.00588.x. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-01-13).
- Kwan, Mei-Po; Ding, Guoxiang. (PDF). The Professional Geographer. 2008, 60 (4): 443–465 [2022-09-13]. S2CID 13008935. doi:10.1080/00330120802211752. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-10-06).
- Latham, Allan. . Environment and Planning A. 2003, 35 (11): 1993–2017. S2CID 17764426. doi:10.1068/a3587.
- Lenntorp, Bo. . Hubbard, Phil; Kitchin, Rob; Valentine, Gill (编).
. Los Angeles: Sage. 2008: 1–8. ISBN 978-1412922609. OCLC 230771032.
- Long, Jed A; Nelson, Trisalyn A. (PDF). International Journal of Geographical Information Science. July 2012, 27 (2): 292–318. S2CID 15358225. doi:10.1080/13658816.2012.682578. hdl:10023/5417
- May, Jon; Thrift, Nigel J (编). . Critical geographies, 13. London; New York: Routledge. 2001. ISBN 978-0415180832. OCLC 52996864.
- McQuoid, Julia; Dijst, Martin. . Journal of Transport Geography. July 2012, 23: 26–34. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2012.03.019.
- Miller, Harvey J. . International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 1991, 5 (3): 287–301. doi:10.1080/02693799108927856.
- Öberg, Sture. . Progress in Human Geography. June 2005, 29 (3): 340–349. S2CID 128171396. doi:10.1177/030913250502900313.
- Pred, Allan. . Economic Geography. 1977, 53 (2): 207–221. JSTOR 142726. doi:10.2307/142726.
- Pred, Allan (编). . Produced with the cooperation of Gunnar Törnqvist. Lund: CWK Gleerup. 1981. ISBN 978-9140306036. OCLC 10145474.
- Rose, Gillian. . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1993. ISBN 978-0816624171. OCLC 27935641.
- Scholten, Christina; Friberg, Tora; Sandén, Annika. . Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. December 2012, 103 (5): 584–600. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9663.2012.00717.x.
- Schwanen, Tim; Kwan, Mei-Po. . The Professional Geographer. 2009, 61 (4): 459–464. S2CID 144480962. doi:10.1080/00330120903103072.
- Thrift, Nigel J. (PDF). Concepts and techniques in modern geography, 13. Norwich: Geo Abstracts, University of East Anglia. 1977 [2022-09-13]. ISBN 978-0902246676. OCLC 4464963. (原始内容
存档于2013-10-13). PDF: .
- Thrift, Nigel J. . Progress in Human Geography. June 2005, 29 (3): 337–340. S2CID 141333604. doi:10.1177/030913250502900312.
- Wilson, Clarke. . Transportation. 2008, 35 (4): 485–499. S2CID 154300621. doi:10.1007/s11116-008-9162-z.
- Yu, Hongbo; Shaw, Shih-Lung. . International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2008, 22 (4): 409–430. S2CID 5654567. doi:10.1080/13658810701427569.
- Buttimer, Anne. . Withers, Charles W J; Lorimer, Hayden (编). . Published on behalf of the Commission on the History of Geographical Thought of the International Geographical Union and the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science. London; New York: Continuum. 2007: 119–157. ISBN 978-0826499134. OCLC 141381115.
- Carlstein, Tommy.
. London; Boston: Allen & Unwin. 1982. ISBN 978-0043000823. OCLC 7946554. doi:10.4324/9780429329036.
- Carlstein, Tommy; Parkes, Don; Thrift, Nigel J (编).
. Timing space and spacing time 1. New York: Wiley. 1978. ISBN 978-0470265116. OCLC 4935269.
- Carlstein, Tommy; Parkes, Don; Thrift, Nigel J (编).
. Timing space and spacing time 3. New York: Wiley. 1978. ISBN 978-0470265123. OCLC 4935088.
- Corbett, John. . Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science. 2001 [5 January 2013]. (原始内容存档于4 February 2012).
- Ellegård, Kajsa; Svedin, Uno. . Journal of Transport Geography. July 2012, 23: 17–25 [2022-09-13]. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2012.03.023. (原始内容存档于2022-09-13).
- Flowerdew, Robin. . Hubbard, Phil; Kitchin, Rob (编). 2nd. Los Angeles: Sage. 2011: 199–204 [2004]. ISBN 978-1849201018. OCLC 698373037.
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- Hägerstrand, Torsten. . O'Hara, Morgan (编). 2. Bergamo: Lubrina Editore. 2002 [1995]. ISBN 9788877662538. OCLC 270994775.
- Hoppe, Göran; Langton, John. . Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. 1986, 68 (2): 115–137. JSTOR 490892. doi:10.2307/490892.
- Kuklinski, Antoni. . GeoJournal. 1987, 14 (4): 503–510. S2CID 155401262. doi:10.1007/BF02602724.
- Lenntorp, Bo. . Lund studies in geography: Series B, Human geography, 44. Lund: Royal University of Lund, Dept. of Geography. 1976. ISBN 978-9140043764. OCLC 3063593.
- Lenntorp, Bo. . Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. December 2004, 86 (4): 327–334. S2CID 143541469. doi:10.1111/j.0435-3684.2004.00172.x.
- Lenntorp, Bo. . GeoJournal. July 1999, 48 (3): 155–158. S2CID 142500989. doi:10.1023/A:1007067322523.
- Lenntorp, Bo; Törnqvist, Gunnar; Wärneryd, Olof; Öberg, Sture. . Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. December 2004, 86 (4): 325–326. S2CID 144276349. doi:10.1111/j.0435-3684.2004.00171.x.
- Morrill, Richard. . Progress in Human Geography. June 2005, 29 (3): 333–336. S2CID 141459068. doi:10.1177/030913250502900311.
- Persson, Olle; Ellegård, Kajsa. . The Professional Geographer. 2012, 64 (2): 250–261. S2CID 129170618. doi:10.1080/00330124.2011.601187.
- Pred, Allan. . Progress in Human Geography. June 2005, 29 (3): 328–332. S2CID 143094462. doi:10.1177/030913250502900310.
- Rose, Courtice G. . Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. February 1977, 68 (1): 43–50. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9663.1977.tb01465.x.
- Sui, Daniel Z. . Journal of Transport Geography. July 2012, 23: 5–16. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2012.03.020.