微軟認證應用程式開發人員(MCAD)[1],也称微軟認證應用程式開發专家[2],為微軟在.NET Framework 1.0-1.1時期,為了與MCSD工作項目有所區分,並且不是所有人都具有系統分析能力的情況下,所加入的認證資格,持有此認證表示具有應用Microsoft .NET Framework技術發展應用程式的能力,應用程式不一定要Windows與Web都精通,但一定要會XML Web Service和伺服器端的開發,這些需求也反應到了考科之上。

Exam 70-316: Designing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications by using Visual C#.NET and Visual Studio .NET
Exam 70-306: Designing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications by using Visual Basic.NET and Visual Studio .NET
Exam 70-315: Designing and Implementing Web-Based Applications by using Visual C#.NET and Visual Studio .NET
Exam 70-305: Designing and Implementing Web-Based Applications by using Visual Basic.NET and Visual Studio .NET
Exam 70-320: Designing and Implementing XML Web Services and Server Components by using Visual C#.NET and Visual Studio .NET
Exam 70-310: Designing and Implementing XML Web Services and Server Components by using Visual Basic.NET and Visual Studio .NET
Exam 70-229: Designing and Implementing Databases by using SQL Server 2000
Exam 70-230: Designing and Implementing Solutions with Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000 Enterprise Edition
Exam 70-234: Designing and Implementing Solutions with Microsoft Commerce Server 2000
Exam 70-330: Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Exam 70-340: Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET
- 新世纪高等职业教育教材编审委员会组, 张凤生, 梁晓晖, 李凌 (编). . . 大连: 大连理工大学出版社. 2003-09: 134. ISBN 978-7-5611-2382-9.
- 范学兵; 陈宏; 陈雨; 师晓东. . 范学兵, 陈宏, 陈雨, 师晓东 (编). . 四川电子音像出版中心 , 2002.09. 2002-09: 367. ISBN 978-7-900355-73-7.
- 远望图书部 (编). . . 北京: 人民交通出版社. 2004-10: 192. ISBN 978-7-114-05302-3.
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