

彩蝠 Kerivoula picta
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 哺乳纲 Mammalia
目: 翼手目 Chiroptera
科: 蝙蝠科 Vespertilionidae
亚科: 彩蝠亚科 Kerivoulinae
属: 彩蝠屬 Kerivoula
J. E. Gray, 1842
Kerivoula picta
Pallas, 1767
  • Cerivoula Blanford, 1891
  • Kehelvoulha Jentink, 1904
  • Kerivoulha Kelaart, 1852
  • Kirivoula Gervais, 1849
  • Nyctophylax Fitzinger, 1860



  • 绒彩蝠 Kerivoula africana Dobson, 1878
  • 管耳彩蝠 Kerivoula agnella Thomas, 1908
  • 银彩蝠 Kerivoula argentata Tomes, 1861
  • Kerivoula bicolor Thomas, 1904
  • Kerivoula brasiliensis Gray, 1843
  • Kerivoula crypta Wroughton & Ryley, 1913
  • 铜黄彩蝠 Kerivoula cuprosa Thomas, 1912
  • Kerivoula depressa Miller, 1906
  • Kerivoula dongduongana Tu et al., 2018
  • 贼彩蝠 Kerivoula eriophora (Heuglin, 1877)
  • 花彩蝠 Kerivoula flora Thomas, 1914
  • Kerivoula furva Kuo, Soisook, Ho, Csorba, Wang & Rossiter, 2017[2]
  • 哈氏彩蝠 Kerivoula hardwickii (Horsfield, 1824)
  • 婆罗洲彩蝠 Kerivoula intermedia Hill & Francis, 1984
  • 克钦彩蝠 Kerivoula kachinensis Bates, Struebig, Rossiter, Kingston, Sai Sein Lin Oo & Mya Mya, 2004
  • 克劳彩蝠 Kerivoula krauensis Francis, Kingston & Zubaid, 2007[3]
  • 小彩蝠 Kerivoula lanosa (A.Smith, 1847)
  • 柔彩蝠 Kerivoula lenis Thomas, 1916
  • Kerivoula malpasi Phillips, 1932
  • 林彩蝠 Kerivoula minuta Miller, 1898
  • 弗莱彩蝠 Kerivoula muscina Tate, 1941
  • 俾斯麦彩蝠 Kerivoula myrella Thomas, 1914
  • Kerivoula oreias (Temminck, 1840)[4]
  • 丘彩蝠 Kerivoula papillosa (Temminck, 1840)
  • 洁翼彩蝠 Kerivoula pellucida Waterhouse 1854[5]
  • 灵彩蝠 Kerivoula phalaena Thomas, 1912
  • 彩蝠 Kerivoula picta (Pallas, 1767)
  • Kerivoula pusilla Thomas, 1894
  • 尼日利亚彩蝠 Kerivoula smithii Thomas, 1880
  • 泰坦尼亚彩蝠 Kerivoula titania Bates, Struebig, Hayes, Furey, Mya Mya, Thong, Tien, Son, Harrison, Francis & Csorba, 2007
  • 怀氏彩蝠 Kerivoula whiteheadi Thomas, 1894[5]


  1. . GBIF. [2023-07-10]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-29).
  2. Wen-Hua Yu, Feng Li, Gábor Csorba, Zhong-Xian Xu, Xiao-Yun Wang, Wei-Jian Guo, Yu-Chun Li and Yi Wu. 2018. A Revision of Kerivoula hardwickii and Occurrence of K. furva (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in China. Zootaxa. 4461(1); 45–56. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4461.1.2
  3. Bounsavane Douangboubpha, Sara Bumrungsri, Pipat Soisook, Sunate Karanpan and Paul J. J. Bates. 2014. The Discovery of Kerivoula krauensis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in southern Peninsular Thailand provides New Information on the Distribution and Conservation Status of this Data Deficient Species. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology. 36 (5), 577-582.
  4. Csorba, Gábor, C. Smeenk and Benjamin P. Y.-h. Lee. 2016. The Identity of Vespertilio oreias Temminck, 1840 — Solving A Taxonomic Puzzle. Zootaxa. 4205(6); 564–570. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4205.6.4
  5. Jodi L. Sedlock, Lawrence R. Heaney, Danilo S. Balete and Manuel Ruedi. 2020. Philippine Bats of the Genus Kerivoula (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae): Overview and Assessment of Variation in K. pellucida and K. whiteheadi. Zootaxa. 4755(3); 454–490. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4755.3.2
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