
小鸮属)為鴟鴞科下的一 ,現生有4種物种。本屬物種體型較小、喙部棕色或白色,眼睛黃色,眉白色。成員物種廣布於各大洲,除澳洲南极洲漠南非洲之外。

縱紋腹小鴞 Athene noctua
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 鸟纲 Aves
目: 鴞形目 Strigiformes
科: 鴟鴞科 Strigidae
属: 小鴞屬 Athene
F. Boie, 1822



Spheotyto (lapsus)




該屬的一些代表性的 島嶼 亞種主要來自於 化石亞化石 的遺跡:

  • Athene megalopeza (fossil; Rexroad Late Pliocene of WC USA) - 有時也被定義為特異型亞種
  • Athene veta (fossil; Early Pleistocene of Rebielice, Poland)
  • Athene angelis (fossil; Middle - Late Pleistocene of Castiglione, Corsica)
  • Athene trinacriae (Pleistocene)
  • Athene cf. cunicularia (fossil; Pleistocene of Barbuda, West Indies)
  • Athene cf. cunicularia (fossil; Pleistocene of Cayman Islands, West Indies)
  • Athene cf. cunicularia (fossil; Pleistocene of Jamaica, West Indies)
  • Athene cf. cunicularia (fossil; Pleistocene of Mona Island, West Indies)
  • Athene cf. cunicularia (fossil; Pleistocene of Puerto Rico, West Indies)
  • 克里特小鴞 Athene cretensis (prehistoric; Crete, Mediterranean)
Cretan owl with Candiacervus ropalophorus

克里特小鴞是一種不會飛或幾乎不會飛的生物,身高超過 50 公分(近 2 英尺)。 在克里特島有人類居住後不久,它就滅絕了。

Template:中新世晚期 (約 11 mya) 的發現於 魯道巴尼奧 (NE 匈牙利|) 的化石遺骸已暫時歸於該屬。[3]

考慮到已知的小鴞屬化石範圍以及來自歐洲的許多中新世鴟鴞科化石的錯誤分配,它可能是現有屬的基群,原產地也可能不在這裡。 所謂的 “Athene” murivora 物種是雄性 Template:羅德里格貓頭鷹 的亞化石遺骨的名稱。

    • 安提瓜穴鴞 Antiguan burrowing owl, Athene cunicularia amaura - 滅絕 (c.1905)
    • 瓜達洛普穴鴞 Guadeloupe burrowing owl, Athene cunicularia guadeloupensis - 滅絕 (c.1890)


  1. Jobling, James A. . London: Christopher Helm. 2010: 58, 274. ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4.
  2. Pankaj Koparde, Prachi Mehta, Sushma Reddy, Uma Ramakrishnan, Shomita Mukherjee and V. V. Robin. 2018. The Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Heteroglaux blewitti is nested within the Currently Recognized Athene clade: A Century-old Debate Addressed. PLoS ONE. 13(2): e0192359. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192359
  3. Bernor, R.L.; Kordos, L. & Rook, L. (eds): "Recent Advances on Multidisciplinary Research at Rudabánya, Late Miocene (MN9), Hungary: A compendium. 存檔,存档日期2007-06-28." Paleontographica Italiana 89: 3-36.
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