大猶太會堂 (倫敦)
大猶太會堂(Great Synagogue of London)是英國倫敦的一座猶太會堂,也是當地阿什肯納茲猶太人的生活中心。倫敦大猶太會堂始建於1722年。在第二次世界大戰的倫敦大轟炸期間,大猶太會堂被納粹德國炸毀。
- Conway, David (2012). Jewry in Music: Entry to the Profession from the Enlightenment to Richard Wagner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1107-01538-8
- Kadish, Sharman (1996). Building Jerusalem, Jewish Architecture in Britain, London: Valentine Mitchell
- Krinsky, Carol H., Synagogues of Europe; Architecture, History, Meaning, MIT Press, 1985; revised edition, MIT Press, 1986; Dover reprint, 1996
- Roth, Cecil. . London. 1950; (available in an online version here)
- Wischnitzer, Rachel, (1964). The Architecture of the European Synagogue. Jewish Publication Society of America.
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