埃德蒙一世(古英語:;921年—946年5月26日), 被称为“长者”(Elder)、“实干者”(Deed-doer)、“公正者”(Just)和“华丽者”(Magnificent),于939年成为英格兰国王直至去世。他是长者爱德华的儿子,光荣者阿塞尔斯坦同父异母的兄弟。阿塞尔斯坦于939年10月27日去世,埃德蒙随即继位成为英格兰国王。
埃德蒙一世 Ēadmund I of England | |
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英格兰人的国王 | |
統治 | 939年8月17日—946年5月26日 |
加冕 | 939年11月29日 可能在泰晤士河畔金斯顿[1] |
前任 | 艾塞斯坦 |
繼任 | 埃德雷德 |
出生 | 921年 英格兰韦塞克斯 |
逝世 | 946年5月26日 英格兰韦塞克斯帕可教堂 |
安葬 | 格拉斯顿伯里修道院 |
配偶 | 沙夫茨伯里的艾爾弗吉夫 达默勒姆的艾塞弗莉塔 |
子嗣 | 英格兰国王爱德威 英格兰国王埃德加一世 |
王朝 | 威塞克斯家族 |
父親 | 長者愛德華 |
母親 | 肯特的伊基芙 |
英格兰国王,爱德蒙,向于格公爵派出了信使,讨论国王路易复位的问题,于是于格公爵与他的这个侄子以及王国的其他领导者一起发表了一个公开协议。[...]于格,法兰克公爵,与(黑心的)于格同盟,查理三世的儿子,以及王国的其他领导者,恢复了路易的王位。[註 1][5][6]

- 原文:Edmund, king of the English, sent messengers to Duke Hugh about the restoration of King Louis, and the duke accordingly made a public agreement with his nephews and other leading men of his kingdom. [...] Hugh, duke of the Franks, allying himself with Hugh the Black, son of Richard, and the other leading men of the kingdom, restored to the kingdom King Louis.
- The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England, p. 514
- Edmund I (king of England), Encyclopedia Brittanica (页面存档备份,存于).
- David Nash Ford, Edmund the Magnificent, King of the English (AD 921-946), Early British Kingdoms (页面存档备份,存于).
- Richerus, Historiae, Book 2, chapters 49–50. See MGH online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Dorothy Whitelock (tr.), English Historical Documents c. 500–1042. 2nd ed. London, 1979. p. 345.
- Edmundus, Anglorum rex, legatos ad Hugonem principem pro restitutione Ludowici regis dirigit: et idem princeps proinde conventus publicos eumnepotibus suis aliisque regni primatibus agit. [...] Hugo, dux Francorum, ascito secum Hugo Nneigro, filio Richardi, ceterisque regni primatibus Ludowicum regem, [...] in regnum restituit. (Flodoard, Annales 946.)
- "Here King Edmund died on St Augustine’s Day [26 May]. It was widely known how he ended his days, that Liofa stabbed him at Pucklechurch. And Æthelflæd of Damerham, daughter of Ealdorman Ælfgar, was then his queen." Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, MS D, tr. Michael Swanton.
- John of Worcester, Chronicon AD 946; William of Malmesbury, Gesta regum, book 2, chapter 144. The description of the circumstances remained a popular feature in medieval chronicles, such as Higden's Polychronicon: "But William, libro ij° de Regibus, seyth (says) that this kyng kepyng a feste at Pulkirchirche, in the feste of seynte Austyn, and seyng a thefe, Leof by name, sytte [th]er amonge hys gestes, whom he hade made blynde afore for his trespasses – (quem rex prios propter scelera eliminaverat, whom the King previously due to his crimes did excile) – , arysede (arrested) from the table, and takenge that man by the heire of the hedde, caste him unto the grownde. Whiche kynge was sleyn – (sed nebulonis arcano evisceratus est) – with a lyttle knyfe the [th]e man hade in his honde [hand]; and also he hurte mony men soore with the same knyfe; neverthelesse he was kytte (cut) at the laste into smalle partes by men longyng to the kynge." Polychronicon, 1527. See Google Books (页面存档备份,存于)
- Edmundus rex Transmarinus defungitur, uxor quoque regis Othonis, soror ipsius Edmundi, decessit. "Edmund, king across the sea, died, and the wife of King Otto, sister of the same Edmund, died also." (tr. Dorothy Whitelock, English Historical Documents c. 500–1042. 2nd ed. London, 1979. p. 345).
埃德蒙一世 出生于:921年逝世於:946年5月26日 | ||
統治者頭銜 | ||
前任者: 埃塞尔斯坦 |
英格兰人的国王 939年-946年 |
繼任者: 埃德雷德 |