
印度沙希王朝[1][2] 822-1026)是中世纪早期一個統治印度次大陆喀布里斯坦犍陀罗旁遮普地区的王朝,是突厥沙希王朝的後繼王朝。11世纪初,印度沙希王朝被加兹尼王朝擊敗並最終被其征服。



  1. Rahman, Abdul. (PDF). Ancient Pakistan. 2002, XV: 37–42. The Hindu Śāhis were therefore neither Bhattis, or Janjuas, nor Brahmans. They were simply Uḍis/Oḍis. It can now be seen that the term Hindu Śāhi is a misnomer and, based as it is merely upon religious discrimination, should be discarded and forgotten. The correct name is Uḍi or Oḍi Śāhi dynasty.
  2. Meister, Michael W. (PDF). Ancient Pakistan. 2005, XVI: 41–48. Rehman (2002: 41) makes a good case for calling the Hindu Śāhis by a more accurate name, "Uḍi Śāhis".
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