《克弗莱亚》148;《布道书25》 | 《赞美诗》46-47;139-40 | 《克弗莱亚》5 | 《布道书》94 | 《摩尼光佛教法仪略》 |
Thēsauros | Thēsauros | Thēsauros | Thēsauros | 寻提(亚兰文SMTh) |
- G. Haloun &. W. B. Henning, "The Compendium of the Doctrines and styles of the Teaching of Mani, the Buddha of Light”, p, 205-207.
- G. Haloun &. W. B. Henning, "The Compendium of the Doctrines and styles of the Teaching of Mani, the Buddha of Light”, p, 206.
- 马小鹤:《光明的使者:摩尼与摩尼教》(兰州:兰州大学出版社,2014)p.175-176
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