
八倍全音符是一種 音符。 普遍在中世紀時使用。 它的長度通常是四倍全音符的两倍或三倍 Stoessel 2009,181) 。比全音符長八倍、十二、十八倍、或二十七倍長。 與四倍全音符相似,八倍全音符的符桿一般都是朝下。 大約1430年之前,人們使用實心的黑格子來記載八分全音符。 在十五世纪之後,連同大多数其他的音符,八分全音符的從實心轉變為空心。 Apel 1961,87).

八倍全音休止符的記載方式。 它的宽度同 全音符二分 休止符,高度同 四倍全音休止符 。


  • Apel, Willi. 1961. The Notation of Polyphonic Music 900–1600, fifth edition, revised and with commentary. The Medieval Academy of America Publication no. 38. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Medieval Academy of America.
  • Asooja, Kartik, Sindhu Kiranmai Ernala, and Paul Buitelaar. 2010. "UNLP at the C@merata Task: Question Answering on Musical Scores ACM". Paper describing submission to the C@merata task in MediaEval 2014 (accessed 10 June 2016).
  • Johannes Verulus de Anagnia. 1977. Liber de musica Iohannis Vetuli de Anagnia, edited by Frederick Hammond. Corpus Scriptorum de Musica 27, 26–97. Neuhausen-Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology.
  • Morehen, John, and Richard Rastall. 2001. "Note Values". The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell. London: Macmillan Publishers.
  • Stoessel, Jason. 2009. "The Interpretation of Unusual Mensuration Signs in the Notation of the Ars subtilior". In A late Medieval Songbook and its Context: New Perspectives on the Chantilly Codex (Bibliothèque du Château de Chantilly, Ms. 564), edited by Yolanda Plumley and Anne Stone, 179–202. Turnhout: Brepols.
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