

其他简称National Industrial Recovery Act
法律汇编48 Stat. 195
  • 众议院提案:H.R. 5755罗伯特·道顿DNC), 1933年5月17日
  • 委员会审核:筹款委员会财政委员会
  • 众议院通过:1933年5月26日(329-80
  • 参议院通过:1933年6月9日(61-26
  • 协商委员会报告:1933年6月10日 众议院同意通过: 1933年6月10日(批准) 参议院同意通过:1933年6月13日(48-42
  • 总统签署生效:富兰克林·罗斯福,1933年6月16日
  • 巴拿马炼油公司诉瑞安案(1935)
  • 谢克特家禽集团诉美国案(1935)




  1. 美国联邦公法第73–67号,48 Stat. 195,1933年6月16日颁布, codified at 美国法典第15编 § 第703节)
  2. Schlesinger, The Age of Roosevelt: The Coming of the New Deal, (2003) pp. 87–176.
  3. Roosevelt, Franklin D. . Internet Archive. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Service: 246–247. June 16, 1933.
  4. McKenna, Franklin Roosevelt and the Great Constitutional War, 2002.
  5. Ellis W. Hawley, New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly: A Study in Economic Ambivalence (1971)
  6. Kennedy, Freedom from Fear, (2001) pp. 151–54.
  7. Himmelberg, The Origins of the National Recovery Administration, 1993.
  8. Roger Biles, A New Deal for the American People (1991) pp. 78–95)
  9. Morris, The Blue Eagle At Work: Reclaiming Democratic Rights In The American Workplace, 2004.
  10. Eisner, Regulatory Politics in Transition, 2000.
  11. Best, Pride, Prejudice, and Politics: Roosevelt Versus Recovery, 1933–1938, 1991.
  12. Bellush, The Failure of the NRA, 1975.
  13. National Recovery Review Board, Report to the President of the United States, First report, May 21, 1934.
  14. Paulsen, "The Federal Trade Commission v. the National Recovery Administration, 1935," Social Science Quarterly, March 1989.
  15. Horwitz, The Irony of Regulatory Reform: The Deregulation of American Telecommunications, 1989.
  16. Dubofsky and Dulles, Labor in America: A History, 1999; Bernstein, The Turbulent Years: A History of the American Worker, 1933–1941, 1970; Rayback, A History of American Labor, 1974.
  17. Bernstein, The New Deal Collective Bargaining Policy, 1975; Vittoz, New Deal Labor Policy and the American Industrial Economy, 1987; Gross, The Making of the National Labor Relations Board, 1974; Tomlins, The State and the Unions, 1985; Fine, Automobile Under the Blue Eagle, 1963.


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