

出生1531年 编辑维基数据
里斯本 编辑维基数据
逝世1595年8月26日 编辑维基数据
巴黎 编辑维基数据
職業 编辑维基数据
子女葡萄牙的曼努埃爾 编辑维基数据
Dynasty阿維斯王朝 编辑维基数据


  1. . www.pacodelanheses.com. [2022-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-06).
  2. Carlos Melo Bento (2008), p.34
  3. Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq. . Cambridge University Press. 9 August 2012: 161 [24 June 2013]. ISBN 978-1-108-05456-0.
  4. Maximilien de Béthune Sully. . J. Rivington and sons. 1778: 201 [24 June 2013].


  • António is frequently mentioned in French, English, and Spanish state papers of the time. A life of him, attributed to Gomes Vasconcellos de Figueiredo, was published in a French translation by Mme de Sainctonge in Amsterdam (1696). A modern account of him, Un prétendant portugais au XVI siècle, by M. Fournier (Paris, 1852), is based on authentic sources. See also Dom Antonio Prior de Crato-notas de bibliographia, by J. de Araújo (Lisbon, 1897).
  • Bento, Carlos Melo, , Ponta Delgada (Azores), Portugal: Câmara Municipal de Ponta Delgada, 2008 (葡萄牙语)
  • 本条目包含来自公有领域出版物的文本: Hannay, David. . Chisholm, Hugh (编). 2 (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press. 1911.


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