光萼苔属![]() | |
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科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 植物界 Plantae |
门: | 地錢門 Marchantiophyta |
纲: | 叶苔纲 Jungermanniopsida |
目: | 光萼苔目 Porellales |
科: | 光萼苔科 Porellaceae |
属: | 光萼苔属 Porella Gray, 1848 |
种 | |
见正文 | |
異名 | |
- Porella abyssinica (Nees) Trevis.
- Porella acanthota Spruce
- 尖瓣光萼苔 Porella acutifolia (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis.
- Porella alpina (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis.
- Porella amoena (Colenso ex Stephani) S.Hatt.
- Porella andica (Gottsche) Hässel
- Porella apiculata P.C.Chen & P.C.Wu
- Porella arborea Trevis.
- 树生光萼苔 Porella arboris-vitae (With.) Grolle
- Porella assimilis (Hampe ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees) Trevis.
- Porella baueri (Schiffn.) C.E.O.Jensen
- Porella biedermannii Frank Müll.
- Porella bolanderi (Austin) Pearson
- Porella borellii (Gola) Parihar
- Porella brachiata (Taylor) Spruce
- Porella brasiliensis (Raddi) Schiffn.
- 丛生光萼苔 Porella caespitans (Steph.) S.Hatt.
- Porella calcicola S.Hatt.
- 粗齿光萼苔 Porella campylophylla (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis.
- Porella canariensis (F.Weber) Underw.
- Porella capehornensis Swails
- Porella capehorniensis Swails
- Porella capensis (Gottsche) Mitt.
- Porella capensis Stephani
- Porella caucasica Steph.
- 陈氏光萼苔 Porella chenii S.Hatt.
- 智利光萼苔 Porella chilensis (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis.
- 中华光萼苔 Porella chinensis (Steph.) S.Hatt.,生于林下潮湿的岩面薄土上。
- Porella circinnata Lindb.
- Porella complanata (Stephani) Swails
- Porella conduplicata (Stephani) S.Hatt.
- 心叶光萼苔 Porella cordaeana (Huebener) Moore
- Porella cranfordii Steph.
- Porella crispata (Hook.) Trevis.
- Porella cucullistipula Steph.
- 密叶光萼苔 Porella densifolia (Steph.) S.Hatt.
- Porella denticulata (Kashyap & R.S.Chopra) J.X.Luo
- Porella elegantula (Mont.) E.A.Hodgs.
- Porella fauriei (Stephani) S.Hatt.
- Porella faurieri (Steph.) S.Hatt.
- 小叶光萼苔 Porella fengii P.C.Chen & S.Hatt.
- 耳叶光萼苔 Porella frullanioides (Stephani) J.X.Luo
- Porella fulfordiana Swails
- Porella geheebii (Steph.) S.Hatt.
- Porella globulus Schiller
- 细光萼苔 Porella gracillima Mitt.
- 大叶光萼苔 Porella grandifolia (Steph.) S.Hatt.
- 巨瓣光萼苔 Porella grandiloba Lindb.
- Porella grollei S.Hatt.
- 尾尖光萼苔 Porella handelii S.Hatt.
- Porella hattorii Udar & Shaheen
- Porella heterophylla (Stephani) S.Hatt.
- Porella hirta (Stephani) S.Hatt.
- Porella hirtella (Stephani) S.Hatt.
- Porella hoeana S.Hatt.
- Porella hohnelliana Stephani
- 兴安光萼苔 Porella hsinganica C.Gao & C.W.Aur
- Porella imbricata Lour.
- Porella inaequalis (Gottsche) Perss.
- Porella integrifolia Stephani ex S.Hatt.
- 日本光萼苔 Porella japonica (Sande Lac.) Mitt.
- 全缘光萼苔 Porella javanica (Gottsche) Inoue
- Porella lancifolia (Stephani) Grolle
- 宽叶光萼苔 Porella latifolia J.S.Lou & Q.Li
- Porella leiboldii (Lehm.) Trevis.
- Porella liebmanniana (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis.
- Porella lindbergiana (Gottsche) O.Yano
- Porella linguaefolia (Stephani) S.Hatt.
- Porella lobata Stephani
- 长叶光萼苔 Porella longifolia (Steph.) S.Hatt.
- 基齿光萼苔 Porella madagascariensis (Nees & Mont.) Trevis.
- Porella matongae (Herzog) E.W.Jones
- Porella maxima (Steph.) M.L.So
- Porella maxonii (Herzog) Swails
- Porella mexicana (Hampe ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees) Trevis.
- Porella montantii (Steph.) E.W.Jones
- Porella navicularis (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Pfeiff.
- Porella niitakensis (Horik.) S.Hatt.
- 亮叶光萼苔 Porella nitens (Steph.) S.Hatt.
- 绢丝光萼苔 Porella nitidula (C.Massal. ex Stephani) S.Hatt.
- 高山光萼苔 Porella oblongifolia S.Hatt.
- 钝叶光萼苔 Porella obtusata (Taylor) Trevis.
- 钝瓣光萼苔 Porella obtusiloba S.Hatt.
- Porella ovalis (Gottsche ex Stephani) S.Hatt. & G.C.Zhang
- Porella parvistipula (Stephani) S.Hatt.
- 毛边光萼苔 Porella perrottetiana (Mont.) Trevis.
- Porella peruviana (Nees) Trevis.
- Porella piligera Stephani ex Pocs
- 羽枝光萼苔 Porella pinnata L.,生于各种林分下的岩面薄土或土生。
- 平叶光萼苔 Porella planifolia J.S.Lou
- 温带光萼苔 Porella platyphylla (L.) Pfeiff.
- Porella platyphylloidea (Schwein.) Lindb.
- 褶叶光萼苔 Porella plicata J.X.Luo
- 小瓣光萼苔 Porella plumosa (Mitt.) Parihar
- Porella polita Mitt.
- Porella prolixa (Gottsche) E.W.Jones
- Porella ptilopsis Spruce
- Porella pulcherrima Herzog & S.Hatt.
- Porella queenslandica (Stephani) S.Hatt.
- Porella ramentifissa (Steph. ex Herzog) Swails
- Porella recurviloba Y.Jia & Qiang He
- Porella reflexa (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis.
- Porella renifolia (Steph.) Swails
- 卷叶光萼苔 Porella revoluta (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis.
- Porella rikuzana (Stephani) S.Hatt.
- Porella roellii Steph.
- Porella rotundifolia Schiffner
- Porella saccata M.L.So
- 卷叶光萼苔 Porella setigera (Steph.) Hatt.,生于林下岩面薄土上。
- Porella sharpii Swails
- Porella shikokiana H.Hara
- Porella sichuanensis S.Hatt. & K.C.Chang
- 疏刺光萼苔 Porella spinulosa (Steph.) S.Hatt.
- Porella squamulifera (Taylor) Trevis.
- 齿边光萼苔 Porella stephaniana (C.Massal.) S.Hatt.
- Porella subdentata (Mitt.) Steph.
- Porella subgrandiloba Grolle & M.L.So
- 细齿光萼苔 Porella subobtusa (Steph.) S.Hatt.
- 齿尖光萼苔 Porella subparaphyllina J.S.Lou
- Porella subsquarrosa (Nees & Mont.) Trevis.
- Porella suginoi Inoue
- Porella swailsii Grolle
- Porella swartziana (F.Weber) Trevis.
- Porella tenera H.Hara
- Porella triquetra (Steph.) E.W.Jones
- 截叶光萼苔 Porella truncata J.X.Luo
- Porella ulophylla (Steph.) S.Hatt.
- 卷波光萼苔 Porella undatorevoluta J.S.Lou
- 瓶萼光萼苔 Porella urceolata S.Hatt.
- Porella urogea (C.Massal.) S.Hatt.
- 多瓣光萼苔 Porella urophylla (C.Massal.) S.Hatt.,生于树基和潮湿的岩面,东北林区较普遍。
- Porella ussuriensis (Stephani) P.C.Chen
- Porella vallis-gratiae (Gottsche) E.W.Jones
- Porella vallis-gratiae S.W.Arnell
- Porella variabilis (Kashyap & R.S.Chopra) Parihar
- 毛边光萼苔 Porella vernicosa Lindb.,毛缘光萼苔,生于林下岩面薄土或树干基部。
- Porella viridissima (Mitt.) Grolle
- Porella wakawana Stephani
- Porella wataugensis (Sull.) Underw. ex M.Howe
- Porella zikanii Herzog
- 归入本属的物种:
- Madotheca acutiloba Steph.
- Madotheca angusta Stephani
- Madotheca apiculata Herzog
- Madotheca armitana Stephani
- Madotheca caudata Steph.
- Madotheca cognata Lindenb. & Gottsche
- Madotheca densiramea Stephani
- Madotheca divergens Lindenb. & Gottsche
- Madotheca elongata Lindenb. & Gottsche
- Madotheca expansa Lindenb. & Gottsche
- Madotheca fissistipula Steph.
- Madotheca fulva Stephani
- Madotheca fuscovirens Stephani
- Madotheca intermedia Gottsche
- Madotheca kotukensis Iisiba
- Madotheca latetrigona Steph.
- Madotheca muelleri Gottsche
- Madotheca muenchiana Stephani
- Madotheca neesiana Lindenb.
- Madotheca nigricans Stephani
- Madotheca pilgeri Steph.
- Madotheca pilistipula Steph.
- Madotheca ptilopis (Spruce) Stephani
- Madotheca ptychanthoides Horik.
- Madotheca rufescens Steph.
- Madotheca schiffneriana C.Massal.
- Madotheca semiteres Lindenb. & Gottsche
- Madotheca spinistipula Steph.
- Madotheca sumatrana Stephani
- Madotheca venezuelana Stephani
- Madotheca virens Stephani
- Madotheca wakawana Stephani
- . GBIF. [2023-08-01]. (原始内容存档于2023-08-01).
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