亞美尼亞脆餅 (亞美尼亞語:,波斯語:)又稱亞美尼亞薄餅、拉瓦什,是南高加索、西亚和裏海周边地区的亞美尼亞、阿塞拜疆、伊朗和土耳其境內常见的一種面饼[1][2] ,在古代,亞美尼亞脆餅主要馕坑中烘烤。現在也有人在鑊中製作亞美尼亞脆餅[3][4][5][6]。2014年,亞美尼亞脆餅被列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录和优秀保护实践名册 [7] 。
- Kipfer, Barbara Ann. . Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2012-04-11: 334 (2012) [2015-06-01]. ISBN 9780544186033.
LAVASH, LAVOSH, LAHVOSH, LAWAASH, or LAWASHA, also called ARMENIAN CRACKER BREAD, CRACKER BREAD, or PARAKI, is a round, thin Middle Eastern bread that is soft like a tortilla or hard like a cracker.
- . Smithsonian. [2023-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-10).
- Alan Davidson. . Oxford University Press. 1999: 456. ISBN 978-0192806819.
Lavash a thin crisp bread usually made with wheat flour made in a variety of shapes all over the regions of the South Caucasus, Iran (where it is often so thin as to be like tissue and can be almost seen through), and Afghanistan. It is leavened and baked in a tandoor. Lavash is served with kebabs and is used to scoop up food or wrap round food before being eaten. Its origins are ancient and it is also known as lavaş depending on the region. As in the other countries of this region large batches of this bread are made and stored for long periods. In Turkey they are stored on a board suspended by all four corners from the ceiling. The bread becomes dry and is restored by sprinkling with water and reheated as and when needed. Yufka is also a name for filo pastry.
- Gil Marks. . John Wiley and Sons. 2010: 355.
- Morgan, Diane. . Chronicle Books. 2010: 14. ISBN 978-1452100241.
Lavash, lavosh, or lahvosh is a gigantic, paper-thin, blistery, tortilla-like flatbread common throughout Armenia, Turkey, and Iran.
- . February 26, 2020 [2023-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-29).
- . unesco.org. [16 March 2016]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-10).
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