

科学分类 编辑
演化支 SAR超类群 SAR
演化支 囊泡虫类 Alveolata
总纲: 双鞭毛虫门 Dinoflagellata
纲: 横裂甲藻纲 Dinophyceae
目: 膝溝藻目 Gonyaulacales
科: 蛎甲藻科 Ostreopsidaceae
属: 亚历山大藻属 Alexandrium
Halim, 1960


  • Episemicolon F.Gómez & L.F.Artigas, 2019
  • Gessnerium Halim ex Halim, 1967
  • Protogonyaulax F.J.R.Taylor, 1979



  • Alexandrium acatenella (Whedon & Kof.) Balech, 1985
  • Alexandrium affine (H.Inoue & Y.Fukuyo) Balech, 1995
  • Alexandrium angustitabulatum F.J.R.Taylor
  • 澳洲亚历山大藻 Alexandrium australiense Sh. Murray 2014
  • 链状亚历山大藻 Alexandrium catenella (Whedon & Kofoid) Balech, 1985
  • Alexandrium cohorticula (Balech) Balech, 1985
  • Alexandrium fragae S.Branco & M.Menezes, 2020
  • Alexandrium fraterculum (Balech) Balech
  • Alexandrium fundyense Balech, 1985
  • Alexandrium insuetum Balech, 1985
  • Alexandrium lebourae
  • 李氏亚历山大藻 Alexandrium leei Balech, 1985
  • Alexandrium margalefii Balech
  • Alexandrium mediterraneum John, 2014
  • 微小亚历山大藻 Alexandrium minutum Halim, 1960
  • Alexandrium monilatum (Howell) F.J.R.Taylor, 1979
  • Alexandrium monilatum (J.F.Howell) Balech, 1995
  • Alexandrium ostenfeldii (Paulsen) Balech & Tangen
  • 太平洋亚历山大藻 Alexandrium pacificum R.W.Litaker, 2014
  • Alexandrium pohangense A.S. Lim et H.J. Jeong 2015
  • Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax (Biecheler) Horiguchi ex Kita & Fukuyo[2]
  • 塔玛亚历山大藻 Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech, 1985
  • Alexandrium tamiyavanichii Balech
  • 塔突亚历山大藻 Alexandrium tamutum M.Montresor, A.Beran & U.John, 2005
  • 泰勒亚历山大藻 Alexandrium taylori Balech, 1994


  1. . GBIF. [2023-03-24]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-24).
  2. Triki H Z , Laabir M , Moeller P ,et al.First report of goniodomin A production by the dinoflagellate Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax developing in southern Mediterranean (Bizerte Lagoon, Tunisia)[J].Toxicon: An International Journal Devoted to the Exchange of Knowledge on the Poisons Derived from Animals, Plants and Microorganisms, 2016(111-):111.
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