

- Longworth, Philip. 1965. The Art of Victory. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston
- J.F. Anthing, Versuch einer Kriegsgeschichte des Grafen Suworow (Gotha, 1796–1799)
- Clausewitz, Carl von (2020). Napoleon Absent, Coalition Ascendant: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 1. Trans and ed. Nicholas Murray and Christopher Pringle. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 978-0-7006-3025-7
- Clausewitz, Carl von (2021). The Coalition Crumbles, Napoleon Returns: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 2. Trans and ed. Nicholas Murray and Christopher Pringle. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 978-0-7006-3034-9
- Macready, Edward Nevil. . London: Smith, Elder. 1851.
- G. von Fuchs, Suworows Korrespondenz, 1799 (Glogau, 1835)
- Von Reding-Biberegg, Der Zug Suworows durch die Schweiz (Zürich 1896)
- F. von Smut, Suworows Leben und Heerzüge (Vilna, 1833–1834) and Suworow and Polens Untergang (Leipzig, 1858,)
- Lieut.-Colonel Spalding, Suvorof (London, 1890)
- Souvorov en Italie by Gachot, Masséna's biographer (Paris, 1903)
- The standard Russian biographies of Polevoi (1853; Ger. trans., Mitau, 1853); Rybkin (Moscow, 1874), Vasiliev (Vilna, 1899), Meshcheryakov and Beskrovnyi (Moscow, 1946), and Osipov (Moscow, 1955).
- The Russian examinations of his martial art, by Bogolyubov (Moscow, 1939) and Nikolsky (Moscow, 1949).
- "1799 le baionette sagge" by Marco Galandra and Marco Baratto (Pavia, 1999).
- "SUVOROV – La Campagna Italo-Svizzera e la liberazione di Torino nel 1799" by Maria Fedotova ed. Pintore (页面存档备份,存于) (Torino, 2004).
- Peter Paret, Gordon A. Craig, Felix Gilbert. Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age. Princeton University Press, 1986.
- K. Osipov. Alexander Suvorov. A Biography. London, 1944.
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- Suvorov - the one man who could have stopped Bonaparte
- Aleksandr Suvorov: Count of Rymniksky and Prince of Italy(页面存档备份,存于)
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