丝盖伞属![]() | |
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科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 真菌界 Fungi |
门: | 担子菌门 Basidiomycota |
纲: | 傘菌綱 Agaricomycetes |
目: | 伞菌目 Agaricales |
科: | 丝膜菌科 Inocybaceae |
属: | 丝盖伞属 Inocybe (Fr.) Fr., 1863 |
种 | |
见正文 | |
異名 | |
- Inocybe aberrans (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe abietis Kühner
- 卑下丝盖伞 Inocybe abjecta P.Karst.
- 畸形孢丝盖伞 Inocybe abnormispora Alessio
- Inocybe abundans Murrill
- Inocybe acaciae Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe acanthosperma Matheny & Bougher
- 辣味丝盖伞 Inocybe acriolens Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- 尖丝盖伞 Inocybe acuta Boud.
- 酒红丝盖伞 Inocybe adaequata
- Inocybe acutata Takah.Kobay. & Nagas.
- Inocybe acutofulva Bizio & A.Castellan
- Inocybe acutoides Kokkonen & Vauras
- Inocybe acutopapillata E.Ludw.
- Inocybe acystidiosa Kauffman
- Inocybe aequalis (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe aerea E.Ludw.
- Inocybe aeruginascens Babos
- Inocybe agglutinata Peck
- Inocybe agordina Bizio
- Inocybe ahmadii Farooqi, Niazi & Khalid
- Inocybe alabamensis Kauffman
- Inocybe alachuana Murrill
- Inocybe albicans Velen.
- Inocybe albidipes Cleland & Cheel
- Inocybe albido-ochracea (Britzelm.) Sacc. & Traverso
- Inocybe albodisca Peck
- Inocybe albofibrillosa Stangl & Schmid-Heckel
- Inocybe alboflavella C.K.Pradeep & Matheny
- Inocybe albofloccosa Matheny & Bougher
- 银边丝盖伞 Inocybe albomarginata Velen.
- Inocybe albonitens C.K.Pradeep & Matheny
- Inocybe alboperonata Kühner
- Inocybe albopruinata Herp.
- Inocybe albostipitata Bon & E.Ferrari ex Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe albovelata Reumaux
- Inocybe albovelutipes Stangl
- Inocybe albovestita E.Horak
- Inocybe alboviscida (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe alienospora (Corner & E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe alloumbrina Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe alluvionis Stangl & J.Veselský
- Inocybe alnea Stangl
- Inocybe alpigenes (E.Horak) Bon
- Inocybe alpinomarginata C.L.Cripps, E.Larss. & Vauras
- Inocybe amarescens Farl. & Burt
- Inocybe amazoniensis Singer & I.J.A.Aguiar
- Inocybe ambigua Romagn.
- 钝孢丝盖伞 Inocybe amblyospora Kühner
- Inocybe amblyspora Kühner
- 紫晶丝盖伞 Inocybe amethystina Kuyper
- Inocybe amicta Kokkonen & Vauras
- Inocybe ammophila G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe amoenolens Kühner
- Inocybe ampullaceocystidiata Shchukin
- Inocybe amygdalina (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe amygdalispora Métrod
- Inocybe amygdalospora Métrod ex Cheype & Contu
- Inocybe angulatosquamulosa Stangl
- Inocybe angustifolia (Corner & E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe angustispora Bessette & Fatto
- Inocybe antillana Pegler
- Inocybe antoniniana E.Sesli, Bandini & Krisai, 2020
- Inocybe appendiculata Kühner
- Inocybe arctica E.Larss., Vauras & C.L.Cripps
- Inocybe areolatodiffracta E.Ludw.
- Inocybe argentea (Singer) Singer
- Inocybe argenteolutea Vauras
- Inocybe argentina Speg.
- Inocybe argillacea (Pers.) Singer
- 美洲丝盖伞 Inocybe armeniaca Huijsman
- Inocybe armeniacofibrillosa E.Ludw.
- 赭色丝盖伞 Inocybe assimilata (Britzelm.) Sacc.
- 星孢丝盖伞 Inocybe asterospora Quél.
- Inocybe astoriana Murrill
- Inocybe athenana Bandini, B.Oertel & U.Eberh., 2020
- Inocybe atrisquamosa Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe atrorubripes Matheny, Bougher & Ryberg
- Inocybe atroumbonata Hongo
- Inocybe aurantiifolia Beller
- Inocybe aurantiobrunnea Esteve-Rav. & García Blanco
- Inocybe aurantiocystidiata E.Turnbull & Watling
- Inocybe aurantiofolia Beller
- Inocybe aurantioumbonata Franchi & M.Marchetti
- Inocybe aurea Huijsman
- Inocybe aureoglabra E.Ludw.
- Inocybe aureorimosa Matheny & Bougher
- 金柄丝盖伞 Inocybe aureostipes
- 小黄褐丝盖伞 Inocybe auricoma (Batsch) Sacc.
- Inocybe auricomella Kühner
- Inocybe auritelloides Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe aurivenia (Batsch) Bres.
- 粉褐丝盖伞 Inocybe aurora
- Inocybe australiensis Cleland & Cheel
- Inocybe austrofibrillosa Grgur.
- Inocybe austrofibrillosipes Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe austrolilacina Wartchow & R.M.B.Silveira
- Inocybe austrosquarrosa Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- 淡棕丝盖伞 Inocybe avellanea
- Inocybe avellaneifolia Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe avellaneocephala E.Ludw.
- Inocybe avenacea Velen.
- Inocybe aviemora Tzabar
- Inocybe ayangannae Matheny, Aime & T.W.Henkel
- Inocybe ayeri Furrer-Ziogas
- Inocybe babruka K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe bakeri Peck
- Inocybe baltica Vauras & E.Larss.
- Inocybe barrasae Esteve-Rav.
- Inocybe basicitrata Jul.Schäff. ex Moënne-Locc.
- Inocybe bella Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- 双色丝盖伞 Inocybe bicolor E.Ludw.
- Inocybe bicornis Braaten, Bougher & Matheny
- Inocybe bipindiensis Henn.
- Inocybe bivela Kühner
- Inocybe bolbitioides Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe bombina Bandini & B.Oertel
- 多毛丝盖伞 Inocybe bongardii
- Inocybe borealis J.E.Lange, 1957
- Inocybe borealis M.Lange
- Inocybe boreoaustralis Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe boreocarelica Kokkonen & Vauras
- Inocybe boreolilacina
- Inocybe botaurina Bandini & B.Oertel
- Inocybe bresadolae Massee
- Inocybe bresadolana Bon
- Inocybe brevicula Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe brevicystis Métrod ex Kuyper
- Inocybe brevisquamulosa E.Horak, Matheny & Desjardin
- Inocybe bridgesiana Singer
- 褐丝盖伞 Inocybe brunnea Quél.
- Inocybe brunneidisca Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe brunneoflavescens Carteret
- Inocybe brunneola Anon.
- Inocybe brunneolipes Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe brunneolutea E.Horak
- 褐茸丝盖伞 Inocybe brunneotomentosa Huijsman
- Inocybe brunneovillosa (Jungh.) Dörfelt & Zschiesch.
- Inocybe brunnescens Earle
- Inocybe brunnescentipes E.Ludw.
- Inocybe bubakii Velen.
- Inocybe bufonia Kokkonen & Vauras
- Inocybe bulbinella Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe bulbosa Peck
- Inocybe caballeroi C.E.Hermos. & Esteve-Rav.
- Inocybe cacaocolor Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe caerulata Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- 毛丝盖伞 Inocybe caesariata (Fr.) P.Karst.
- Inocybe caespitosa Velen.
- Inocybe caespitosella Speg.
- 翅鳞丝盖伞 Inocybe calamistrata
- Inocybe calcaris Métrod
- Inocybe calida Velen.
- Inocybe californica Kauffman
- Inocybe callichroa E.Horak
- Inocybe calocephala Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe calocystis Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe calopedes Matheny & Bougher
- 丽孢丝盖伞 Inocybe calospora Quél.
- Inocybe calosporoides L.G.Krieglst.
- Inocybe camelicolor E.Ludw.
- Inocybe campestris Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe candidipes Kropp & Matheny
- Inocybe canescens J.Favre
- Inocybe caprimulgi Vauras & E.Larss.
- Inocybe capucina (Fr.) P.Karst.
- Inocybe carelica Singer
- Inocybe carneicaulis E.Ludw.
- Inocybe carolinensis Matheny
- 胡萝卜色丝盖伞 Inocybe caroticolor T.Bau & Y.G.Fan
- Inocybe carpinacea Velen.
- 开裂丝盖伞 Inocybe carpta (Scop.) P.Kumm.
- Inocybe castanea Peck
- Inocybe castaneicolor A.La Rosa, Bizio, Saitta & Tedersoo
- Inocybe castaneoides Peck
- Inocybe castanopsis Hruby
- Inocybe castorina Bandini & B.Oertel, 2020
- Inocybe casuarinae Corner & E.Horak
- Inocybe catalaunica Singer
- Inocybe caucasica Singer
- Inocybe caulis-aurorae E.Ludw.
- Inocybe cavipes (Britzelm.) Sacc. & Traverso
- Inocybe cerasphora Singer
- Inocybe cerea E.Horak
- Inocybe cervenianensis Ferisin, Bizio, Aiardi, Bersan & Dovana, 2021
- 鹿皮色丝盖伞 Inocybe cervicolor
- Inocybe ceskae Bandini, Esteve-Rav. & B.Oertel
- Inocybe chalcoceps Matheny & Bougher
- 铜黄丝盖伞 Inocybe chalcodoxantha Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe chelanensis D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe chilensis Singer
- Inocybe chondroderma D.E.Stuntz ex Matheny, Norvell & E.C.Giles
- Inocybe chondrospora Einhell. & Stangl
- Inocybe chrysocephala F.H.Nishida
- Inocybe chrysochroa Takah.Kobay. & Courtec.
- Inocybe cicatricata Ellis & Everh.
- Inocybe cinchonensis (Murrill) Dennis
- 刺鳞丝盖伞 Inocybe cincinnata (Fr.) Quél.
- Inocybe cinerascentipes Huijsman
- Inocybe cingulata E.Horak
- Inocybe cingulatipes (Corner & E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe cinnabarina Hruby
- Inocybe cinnamomea A.H.Sm.
- Inocybe cinnamomeiceps E.Ludw.
- Inocybe cinnamomicolor Reumaux
- Inocybe cistobulbipes Esteve-Rav. & Vila
- Inocybe clavata Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe claviger E.Horak & Bas
- Inocybe clypeata Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe coelestium Kuyper
- Inocybe coerulescens Kobayasi
- Inocybe collivaga Velen.
- Inocybe comatella (Peck) Sacc.
- Inocybe concinnula J.Favre
- Inocybe confusa P.Karst.
- Inocybe congregata A.Pearson
- Inocybe conica P.Larsen
- Inocybe conicoalba E.Horak
- Inocybe connexa Kauffman
- Inocybe conspicuispora Buyck & Eyssart.
- 亚黄丝盖伞 Inocybe cookei
- Inocybe coprinoides E.Ludw.
- Inocybe corcontica Velen.
- Inocybe cordae Velen.
- Inocybe corneri (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe corrubescens Singer
- Inocybe cortinata Rolland
- 绿褐丝盖伞 Inocybe corydalina Quél.
- Inocybe costinitii Bizio, Ferisin & Dovana
- Inocybe crassicystidiata Pegler
- Inocybe crassipes (Cooke & Massee) Pegler
- Inocybe cryptocystis D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe cucullata Ch.Martin
- Inocybe curcumina Bandini, B.Oertel & U.Eberh.
- Inocybe curtispora E.Ludw.
- 绵毛丝盖伞 Inocybe curvipes P.Karst.
- Inocybe cutifracta Petch
- Inocybe cyaneovirescens Henn.
- 柱孢丝盖伞 Inocybe cylindrispora Murrill
- Inocybe cylindrocystis G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe cystidiosa (A.H.Sm.) Singer
- Inocybe davisiana Kauffman
- Inocybe deborae E.Ferrari
- Inocybe decemgibbosa (Kühner) Vauras
- Inocybe decipiens Bres.
- 空柄丝盖伞 Inocybe decipientoides Peck
- Inocybe deglubens (Fr.) Gillet
- Inocybe deianae Eyssart.
- Inocybe demitrata Velen.
- Inocybe densipruinosa E.Horak
- Inocybe dentifera Velen.
- Inocybe derbschii Schwöbel & Stangl
- Inocybe desquamans Peck
- Inocybe destruens E.Horak
- Inocybe devoniensis T.J.Wallace
- Inocybe dewrangia Grgur.
- Inocybe diabolica Vauras
- Inocybe digitula Bandini, Christan & B.Oertel, 2020
- Inocybe dilutecinnamomea Singer
- Inocybe diminuta Peck
- Inocybe dissimilis E.Horak
- Inocybe dissocystis Singer
- Inocybe distantifolia E.Ludw.
- Inocybe distincta K. P. D. Latha, Manim. & Matheny[2]
- Inocybe diversa E.Horak
- Inocybe dolichospora Malençon
- 甜苦丝盖伞 Inocybe dulcamara (Pers.) P.Kumm.
- Inocybe dulcamarioides Kühner
- Inocybe dulciolens Matheny
- Inocybe dunensis P.D.Orton
- Inocybe duploparvula E.Ludw.
- Inocybe duriuscula Rea
- Inocybe dvaliniana Bandini & B.Oertel, 2021
- 早生丝盖伞 Inocybe earleana Kauffman
- Inocybe eburnea Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe echinosimilis (E.Horak) Garrido
- 棘孢丝盖伞 Inocybe echinospora Egeland
- Inocybe egenula J.Favre
- Inocybe elata T.Bau
- Inocybe elegans Reumaux
- Inocybe elegantissima Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe ellipsoidispora E.Ludw.
- Inocybe elliptica Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe emergens (Cleland) Grgur.
- Inocybe enigmatica Matheny & Aime
- Inocybe entolomatospora Bidaud, Ferville & Armada
- Inocybe epidendron Matheny, Aime & T.W.Henkel
- Inocybe ericetorum Vauras & Kokkonen
- Inocybe erinaceomorpha Stangl & J.Veselský
- Inocybe eriocaulis Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe errata E.Horak, Matheny & Desjardin
- 变红丝盖伞 Inocybe erubescens
- Inocybe erythospilota Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe erythrobasis Singer
- Inocybe euganea Giliberto, P.Alvarado & Bizio
- Inocybe eurycystis E.H.L.Krause
- Inocybe euthelella Peck
- 浅褐丝盖伞 Inocybe eutheles (Fr.) Quél.
- Inocybe eutheles Sacc.
- Inocybe eutheloides Peck
- Inocybe euviolacea E.Ludw.
- Inocybe excoriata Peck
- Inocybe exigens Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe exigua (Cleland) Grgur.
- Inocybe exilis (Kuyper) Jacobsson & E.Larss.
- Inocybe fallax Peck
- Inocybe farinosipes Matheny, Bougher & Ryberg
- Inocybe fasciata Sacc.
- 小孢丝盖伞 Inocybe fastigiella
- Inocybe fastuosa Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe favrei Bon
- Inocybe favrei Nespiak
- Inocybe favrei-cavipes Bon
- Inocybe fechtneri Velen.
- Inocybe felipponei (Speg.) Singer
- Inocybe ferruginea Bon
- Inocybe fibrillosibrunnea O.K.Mill. & R.N.Hilton
- Inocybe fibrillosipes E.Ludw.
- 纤维丝盖伞 Inocybe fibrosa (Sowerby) Gillet
- Inocybe fibrosoides Kühner
- Inocybe fissuratula E.Ludw.
- Inocybe flagellata (Reumaux) Reumaux
- Inocybe flavoalbida Matheny & Bougher
- 黄褐丝盖伞 Inocybe flavobrunnea Y.C.Wang
- Inocybe flavobrunnescens Esteve-Rav., G.Moreno & Bizio
- Inocybe flavosquamulosa C.K.Pradeep & Matheny
- Inocybe floccosibrunnea Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe floccosistipitata K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- 卷毛丝盖伞 Inocybe flocculosa Sacc.
- Inocybe floridana Murrill
- Inocybe fragilis Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe fragilissima E.Horak, Matheny & Desjardin
- Inocybe fragrans Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- 长柄丝盖伞 Inocybe fraudans (Britzelm.) Sacc.
- Inocybe friabilis Matheny & Kudzma
- Inocybe frigidula J.Favre
- Inocybe froudistii Matheny & Bougher
- 菱色丝盖伞 Inocybe frumentacea Bres.
- Inocybe fuegiana (Speg.) Speg.
- Inocybe fuligineoalba E.Ludw.
- Inocybe fuligineoatra Huijsman
- 锈褐丝盖伞 Inocybe fulvella Bres.
- Inocybe fulvelliceps Murrill
- Inocybe fulvida Bres.
- Inocybe fulvidula Velen.
- Inocybe fulvilubrica Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe fulvo-olivacea Cleland
- Inocybe fulvotomentosa Matheny, Bougher, R.Rob. & K.Syme
- Inocybe fumosifolia Speg.
- Inocybe furcata Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe furfurea Kühner
- Inocybe fuscata Singer
- Inocybe fuscescentipes Kühner
- Inocybe fuscicothurnata Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- 黑丝盖伞 Inocybe fuscidula Velen.
- Inocybe fuscocinnamomea Singer
- 暗盘丝盖伞 Inocybe fuscodisca (Peck) Massee
- Inocybe fuscoperonata Corner & E.Horak
- Inocybe fuscosquarrosa Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe gandalfiana Bandini & B.Oertel, 2021
- Inocybe gemina (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe geniculata Matheny & Bougher
- 土味丝盖伞 Inocybe geophylla (Bull.) P.Kumm.
- Inocybe geophyllomorpha Singer
- Inocybe ghanaensis Pegler
- Inocybe giacomi J.Favre
- Inocybe gibbosula (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe gigacystis Singer
- Inocybe gigantea Bon
- Inocybe gigantispora Murrill
- Inocybe gilviceps Matheny, Bougher & Halling
- Inocybe gintliana Velen.
- Inocybe glabra Kauffman
- 光滑丝盖伞 Inocybe glabrescens Velen.
- 光柄丝盖伞 Inocybe glabripes Ricken
- Inocybe glabrodisca P.D.Orton
- Inocybe glandicolor E.Ludw.
- Inocybe glareophila Bidaud & Fillion
- Inocybe glaucescens Matheny & Kudzma
- Inocybe glaucodisca Buyck & Eyssart.
- Inocybe globulina Bandini & B.Oertel, 2020
- Inocybe glutinosifibrillosa Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe glutinosonigricans E.Ludw.
- 土黄丝盖伞 Inocybe godeyi Gillet
- Inocybe gomphocephala Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe goniopusio Stangl
- Inocybe gracilenta E.Ludw.
- Inocybe gracilior E.Horak
- Inocybe gracillima Carteret & Reumaux
- 具纹丝盖伞 Inocybe grammata Quél.
- Inocybe grammatoides Esteve-Rav., Pancorbo & E.Rubio
- Inocybe grammopodia Malençon
- Inocybe granulosiceps (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe granulosipes Cleland
- Inocybe grata Weinm.
- Inocybe graveolens (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe griseobrunnea Métrod
- 灰紫鳞丝盖伞 Inocybe griseolilacina J.E.Lange
- Inocybe griseoscabrosa (Peck) Earle
- Inocybe griseotarda Poirier
- Inocybe griseovelata Kühner
- Inocybe guttulifer Kühner
- Inocybe gymnopilus Kühner
- Inocybe gypsea Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe haemacta (Berk. & Cooke) Sacc.
- 海南丝盖伞 Inocybe hainanensis T.Bau & Y.G.Fan
- Inocybe halophila R.Heim
- Inocybe hebelomoides Murrill
- Inocybe heidelbergensis Bandini & B.Oertel
- 黑姆丝盖伞 Inocybe heimii
- Inocybe helianthemi E.Ludw. & M.Huth
- Inocybe hemileuca F.H.Nishida & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe henryi Reumaux
- Inocybe heterochrominea Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe heterocystis Kühner
- Inocybe heterosemen Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe hettematica (Britzelm.) Sacc. & Traverso
- Inocybe hinnulea Kühner
- Inocybe hinoana Yukawa & Katum.
- Inocybe hirculus Vauras
- 毛纹丝盖伞 Inocybe hirtella Bres.
- Inocybe hirtellarum Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe hirtelloides Stangl & J.Veselský
- Inocybe homomorpha (Singer) Singer
- Inocybe horakii Raithelh.
- Inocybe horakomyces Garrido
- Inocybe hotsoniana D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe huijsmanii Kuyper
- Inocybe humidicola Matheny & Bougher
- 低矮丝盖伞 Inocybe humilis (J.Favre & E.Horak) Esteve-Rav. & Vila
- Inocybe humilis J.Favre
- Inocybe hydrocybiformis (Corner & E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe hygrophana Glowinski & Stangl
- Inocybe hygrophoroides Shchukin
- Inocybe hygrophoroides Shtshukin
- Inocybe hymenocarpa Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe hypervelata Bizio & Cervini
- Inocybe hyperythra Rick
- Inocybe hypophaea Furrer-Ziogas
- Inocybe hypotheja Kühner
- Inocybe hystrix (Fr.) P.Karst.
- Inocybe ianthinofolia Pegler
- Inocybe imbricata (Cleland) Garrido
- Inocybe immaculipes Kühner
- Inocybe immigrans Malloch
- Inocybe impexa (Lasch) Kuyper
- Inocybe inaensis Kobayasi
- Inocybe incarnata Bres.
- Inocybe incognita (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe inconcinna P.Karst.
- 印度丝盖伞 Inocybe indica Sarwal
- Inocybe infelix Peck
- Inocybe infida (Peck) Earle
- Inocybe infirma E.Horak
- Inocybe infracta Velen.
- Inocybe infumata Kühner
- Inocybe inodora Velen.
- Inocybe insignis A.H.Sm.
- Inocybe insinuata Kauffman
- Inocybe insuavis (Britzelm.) Sacc. & Traverso
- Inocybe insulana K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe intermedia E.Horak
- Inocybe intricata Peck
- Inocybe invadens Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe invenusta (Britzelm.) Sacc. & Traverso
- Inocybe involuta Kuyper
- Inocybe ionocaulis Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe ionocephala Matheny
- Inocybe ionochlora Romagn.
- Inocybe iringolkavensis K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe irregularinodulosa Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe irregularis E.Horak
- Inocybe iseranensis E.Ferrari
- Inocybe jalapensis (Murrill) Singer
- Inocybe jamaicensis Murrill
- Inocybe javorkae Babos & Stangl
- Inocybe johannae Kühner
- Inocybe johannis-stanglii Bandini, Esteve-Rav. & G.Moreno
- Inocybe jucunda Bandini, B.Oertel & U.Eberh., 2021
- Inocybe juniperina M.Marchetti, Franchi & Bizio
- Inocybe kapila K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe kasugayamensis Hongo
- Inocybe kauffmanii A.H.Sm.
- Inocybe kittilensis Kokkonen & Vauras
- Inocybe kobayasii Hongo
- Inocybe kohistanensis Jabeen, I.Ahmad & Khalid
- Inocybe kohistanensis Matheny & Bougher, 2017
- Inocybe krieglsteineri Fern.Sas.
- Inocybe kuehneriana Locquin
- Inocybe kurkuriya K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe kuruvensis K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- 暗毛丝盖伞 Inocybe lacera (Fr.) P.Kumm.
- Inocybe lacunarum Vauras & E.Larss.
- Inocybe laeta Alessio
- Inocybe laetior D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe laevispora Hruby
- Inocybe lageniformis Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe lanatopurpurea Esteve-Rav. & G.Moreno
- 兰格丝盖伞 Inocybe langei R.Heim
- 棉毛丝盖伞 Inocybe lanuginosa (Bull.) P.Kumm.
- Inocybe lapidicola Brugaletta, Consiglio & M.Marchetti
- Inocybe lapponica Kokkonen & Vauras
- 下垂丝盖伞 Inocybe lasseri Dennis
- Inocybe lasseroides (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe lateraria Rick
- Inocybe latibulosa E.Horak, Matheny & Desjardin
- Inocybe laureata Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe lavandulochlora Esteve-Rav. & M.Villarreal
- Inocybe lemmi E.Larss., Vauras & C.L.Cripps
- Inocybe leochroma Bandini, Vauras & B.Oertel
- Inocybe leonina Esteve-Rav. & A.Caball.
- Inocybe lepidocephala Speg.
- Inocybe lepiotoides Reumaux
- Inocybe leptoclada Takah.Kobay. & Courtec.
- 薄褶丝盖伞 Inocybe leptocystella G.F.Atk.
- 薄囊丝盖伞 Inocybe leptocystis G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe leptoderma Takah.Kobay. & Nukada
- Inocybe leptophylla G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe leptospermi (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe leucoblema Kühner
- Inocybe leucopoda Velen.
- Inocybe leucotaenia Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe lilacinolamellata (Britzelm.) Sacc. & Traverso
- Inocybe lilacinomaculata E.Ludw. & I.L.Franzén
- Inocybe lilacinosquamosa Matheny, Aime & T.W.Henkel
- Inocybe lindrothii (P.Karst.) Vauras & E.Larss.
- Inocybe lineata E.Horak, Matheny & Desjardin
- Inocybe longipes Massee
- 长孢丝盖伞 Inocybe longispora M.Lange
- Inocybe lorillardiana Murrill
- Inocybe lucifera Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- 暗色丝盖伞 Inocybe lucifuga (Fr.) P.Kumm.
- 黄裂丝盖伞 Inocybe lutea Kobayasi & Hongo
- Inocybe luteifolia A.H.Sm.
- Inocybe luteipes J.Favre
- Inocybe luteo-olivacea Matheny, Bougher & Halling
- Inocybe luteobulbosa E.Horak
- Inocybe luteola Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe luteotigrina Carteret
- 变黄丝盖伞 Inocybe lutescens Velen.
- Inocybe macrocystis Velen.
- Inocybe macrospora Kobayasi
- 斑点丝盖伞 Inocybe maculata
- Inocybe maculipes J.Favre
- Inocybe magnibulbosa E.Horak
- Inocybe magnicarpa Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe magnifica (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe magnifolia Matheny, Aime & T.W.Henkel
- Inocybe malenconiana Bon
- Inocybe mallocyboides E.Ludw.
- Inocybe mallopoda Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe mammifera M.M.Moser
- Inocybe mammillaris Pass.
- Inocybe mammillaris Sacc.
- Inocybe mammosa Velen.
- Inocybe manuelae E.Ferrari & Bizio
- Inocybe manukanea (E.Horak) Garrido
- 珍珠丝盖伞 Inocybe margaritispora (Berk.) Sacc.
- Inocybe marginata Matheny, Aime & T.W.Henkel
- Inocybe mariluanensis (Speg.) Singer
- Inocybe maritimoides (Peck) Sacc.
- Inocybe marmoripes G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe martinica Pegler
- Inocybe mascardi Raithelh.
- Inocybe masoviensis Rudn.-Jez.
- Inocybe matrisdei Singer
- Inocybe mediocris (Corner & E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe megalospora Rick
- Inocybe melampyri Velen.
- Inocybe melanopoda D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe melanopus D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe melissolens Reumaux
- 蜜色锥形丝盖伞 Inocybe melleiconica Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe mellita Matheny, Bougher & Ryberg
- Inocybe memorialis Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe mendica E.Horak
- Inocybe menthi-gustans F.H.Nishida
- Inocybe meridionalis Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe metrodiana Bon ex Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe metrodii Stangl & J.Veselský
- Inocybe microsperma E.Horak
- Inocybe microteroxantha Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe minima Peck
- 小孢丝盖伞 Inocybe minimispora Reumaux
- 小丝盖伞 Inocybe minuta P.Karst.
- Inocybe minutispora Murrill
- Inocybe minutissima Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe mirabilis Velen.
- Inocybe miranda Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe misera E.Horak
- Inocybe mitracea Velen.
- Inocybe mixtiliformis Singer
- 混杂丝盖伞 Inocybe mixtilis (Britzelm.) Sacc.
- 米易丝盖伞 Inocybe miyiensis T.Bau & Y.G.Fan
- Inocybe moelleri Eyssart. & A.Delannoy
- Inocybe monochroa J.Favre
- 山地丝盖伞 Inocybe montana Kobayasi
- Inocybe monticola Kropp, Matheny & Nanagy.
- Inocybe moravica Hruby
- Inocybe mucronata R.Heim
- Inocybe multicingulata E.Horak
- 多色丝盖伞 Inocybe multicolor Raithelh.
- Inocybe multicoronata A.H.Sm.
- Inocybe multifolia Braaten, M.G.Wood & Matheny
- 糙柄丝盖伞 Inocybe muricellata Bres.
- Inocybe murina E.Larss., C.L.Cripps & Vauras
- Inocybe murrayana Cleland
- Inocybe mussooriensis Sarwal
- Inocybe muthangensis K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe mycenoides Kuyper
- Inocybe mystica Stangl & Glowinski
- Inocybe mytiliodora Stangl & Vauras
- Inocybe napiformis Takah.Kobay.
- 芜菁丝盖伞 Inocybe napipes J.E.Lange
- Inocybe naucoriiformis Velen.
- Inocybe nebularis E.Ludw.
- Inocybe neglecta E.Horak, Matheny & Desjardin
- Inocybe nematoloma Joss.
- Inocybe nemorosa (R.Heim) Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe neoflocculosa Kobayasi
- Inocybe neomicrospora Kobayasi
- Inocybe neorufula Esteve-Rav., Macau & Ferville
- Inocybe neotropicalis Singer, I.J.A.Aguiar & Ivory
- Inocybe neoumbrina Kobayasi
- Inocybe nespiaki Bon
- Inocybe neuhoffii Bres.
- Inocybe neuquenensis Singer
- Inocybe nigrescens G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe nigrescentipes Reumaux
- Inocybe nigricans Matheny, Bougher & Ryberg
- Inocybe nigridisca Peck
- 新泻丝盖伞 Inocybe niigatensis Hongo
- Inocybe nikkoensis Kobayasi
- Inocybe nitida Velen.
- 光帽丝盖伞 Inocybe nitidiuscula (Britzelm.) Lapl.
- 高贵丝盖伞 Inocybe nobilis (R.Heim) Alessio
- Inocybe nobilissima Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe nodulosa Kauffman
- 瘤孢丝盖伞 Inocybe nodulosospora Kobayasi
- Inocybe nodulospora (Peck) Sacc.
- Inocybe nothomixtilis Esteve-Rav., Bandini & V.González
- Inocybe nothopus Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe nucleata Murrill
- Inocybe nuda Velen.
- Inocybe nudiuscula Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe numerosigibba Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe oblectabilis (Britzelm.) Sacc.
- 暗丝盖伞 Inocybe obscura
- Inocybe obscurella Carteret & Reumaux
- 遮蔽丝盖伞 Inocybe obscurobadia (J.Favre) Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe obscuromellea Poirier
- 模糊丝盖伞 Inocybe obsoleta (Quadr. & Lunghini) Valade
- Inocybe obtusiuscula Kühner
- Inocybe occulta Esteve-Rav., Bandini, B.Oertel & G.Moreno
- Inocybe ochracea Stangl
- Inocybe ochraceolutea Carteret & Reumaux
- 赭缘丝盖伞 Inocybe ochraceomarginata Kauffman
- Inocybe ochraceoscabra G.F.Atk.
- 黄白丝盖伞 Inocybe ochroalba Bruyl.
- Inocybe ochroleuca J.Favre
- Inocybe ochrorufa Sarwal
- Inocybe odora Velen.
- Inocybe oehrensii Garrido & E.Horak
- Inocybe ohenojae Vauras & E.Larss.
- Inocybe olgae Velen.
- Inocybe olida Maire
- Inocybe olidissima (Ripart bis) Poirier & Reumaux
- Inocybe olivaceobrunnea J.Favre ex Kuyper
- Inocybe olivaceobrunnea J.Favre ex Kühner
- Inocybe olivaceohinnulea Matheny & Bougher
- 橄榄绿丝盖伞 Inocybe olivaceonigra (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe olivaceoviridis E.Ludw.
- Inocybe olorinata E.Horak
- Inocybe olpidiocystis G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe olympiana A.H.Sm.
- Inocybe oreadoides Carteret
- 淡色丝盖伞 Inocybe oreina J.Favre
- Inocybe ornata E.Horak, Matheny & Desjardin
- Inocybe ornatipes Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe ortegae Esteve-Rav.
- Inocybe ovatocystis Boursier & Kühner
- Inocybe ovispora E.Horak
- Inocybe ovoidea Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe ovoideicystis Métrod
- Inocybe ovoideocystis Métrod
- 鳞紫丝盖伞 Inocybe ozeensis Kobayasi
- Inocybe pachycaulis E.Ludw.
- Inocybe pachycreas R.Heim & Romagn.
- Inocybe pachydermica Takah.Kobay.
- 厚囊丝盖伞 Inocybe pachypleura Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe pahangi (Corner & E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe pallescens Velen.
- Inocybe pallida Velen.
- 苍白丝盖伞 Inocybe pallidicremea Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe pallidiflavipes Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe pallidipes Ellis & Everh.
- Inocybe pallidispora J.Beller & Bon
- Inocybe pallidobrunnea Kauffman
- Inocybe pallidolutea Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe pallidospora Beller & Bon
- Inocybe paludicola Kokkonen & Vauras
- 湿地丝盖伞 Inocybe paludinella (Peck) Sacc.
- Inocybe paludosella G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe papilionacea E.Ludw.
- Inocybe papillata (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe papilliformis C.K.Pradeep & Matheny
- Inocybe paracerasphora (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe paradoxa R.Heim
- Inocybe paragiacomi E.Larss., C.L.Cripps & Vauras
- Inocybe paralanuginosa Pegler
- Inocybe pararubens Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe parcecoacta Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe pargasensis Vauras
- Inocybe parvibulbosa E.Horak, Matheny & Desjardin
- Inocybe parvicystis F.J.
- Inocybe parvicystis Rodr.-Campo & Esteve-Rav.
- Inocybe parvifulva Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe parvipileus E.Ludw.
- Inocybe parvispora Murrill
- Inocybe parvisquamulosa C.K.Pradeep & Matheny
- Inocybe patibilis Reumaux
- Inocybe paucicolor Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe paucicystidiosa (Bon) Franchi & M.Marchetti
- Inocybe paucigibba Singer
- Inocybe pedemontana Alessio
- Inocybe pedicellata Velen.
- Inocybe pedunculata Velen.
- Inocybe pegleri Sarwal
- Inocybe pelargonium Kühner
- 光泽丝盖伞 Inocybe perlata (Cooke) Sacc.,为'Pseudosperma perlatum (Cooke) Matheny & Esteve-Rav.的异名'
- Inocybe permucida Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe pernivosa (Murrill) Singer
- 粉衰丝盖伞 Inocybe peronatella J.Favre
- Inocybe perpusilla Velen.
- Inocybe persicinipes Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe personata Kühner
- Inocybe pertomentosa Murrill
- Inocybe petchii Boedijn
- 多痂丝盖伞 Inocybe petiginosa (Fr.) Gillet
- Inocybe petroselinolens Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe phaeocephala (Bull.) Sacc.
- Inocybe phaeocephala Bres.
- Inocybe phaeocystidiosa Esteve-Rav., G.Moreno & Bon
- Inocybe phaeodisca Kühner
- 褐色丝盖伞 Inocybe phaeoleuca Kühner
- Inocybe phaeosquarrosa E.Horak
- Inocybe pholiotinoides Romagn.
- Inocybe picetorum Velen.
- Inocybe picrosma D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe pileosulcata E.Horak, Matheny & Desjardin
- Inocybe pingala K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe pintureaui Duchemin
- Inocybe pipilikae Bandini & B.Oertel, 2021
- Inocybe piricystis J.Favre
- Inocybe plocamophora Singer, I.J.A.Aguiar & Ivory
- 羽状丝盖伞 Inocybe plumosa (Bolton) Quél.
- Inocybe pluteoides Höhn.
- Inocybe pluvialis Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe pluviosilvestris Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe poculata E.Horak
- Inocybe polycystidiata Kobayasi
- Inocybe polytrichi-norvegici Kühner
- Inocybe populea Takah.Kobay. & Courtec.
- Inocybe porcorum Vauras & Kokkonen
- 后腔丝盖伞 Inocybe posterula (Britzelm.) Sacc.
- Inocybe poujolii R.Heim
- Inocybe prae-echinulata Murrill
- Inocybe praecox Kropp, Matheny & Nanagy.
- Inocybe praefarinacea (Murrill) Singer
- Inocybe praenodulosa Murrill
- Inocybe praenucleata Murrill
- 瞭望丝盖伞 Inocybe praetervisa Quél.
- Inocybe praetervisa s.
- Inocybe praetervisoides Esteve-Rav., G.Moreno & Olariaga
- Inocybe procera E.Horak
- Inocybe prominens Kauffman
- Inocybe proximella P.Karst.
- 疏生丝盖伞 Inocybe pruinosa R.Heim
- Inocybe psammobrunnea Bon
- Inocybe pseudoabjecta E.Ludw.
- 拟星孢丝盖伞 Inocybe pseudoasterospora Kühner & Boursier
- Inocybe pseudobrunnea Alessio
- Inocybe pseudoconfusa Métrod
- Inocybe pseudodestricta Stangl & J.Veselský
- Inocybe pseudoflocculosa Kühner
- Inocybe pseudofuscidula E.Ludw.
- Inocybe pseudograta Alessio
- 拟紫灰丝盖伞 Inocybe pseudogriseolilacina G.Y.Zheng & Z.S.Bi
- Inocybe pseudohaemacta Bon & Courtec.
- Inocybe pseudohiulca Kühner
- Inocybe pseudonobilis Reumaux
- Inocybe pseudoreducta Stangl & Glowinski
- Inocybe pseudorhacodes Takah.Kobay. & Courtec.
- Inocybe pseudorubens Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe pseudoscabelliformis Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe pseudotarda Moënne-Locc. & Poirier
- Inocybe pseudoteraturgus Vauras & Kokkonen
- Inocybe pseudotrechispora Stangl & Veselsky
- Inocybe pseudoumbrina Stangl
- Inocybe pulchella Matheny, Aime & T.W.Henkel
- Inocybe pullata A.Pearson ex Pegler
- Inocybe punctatosquamosa (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe purpureobadia Esteve-Rav. & A.Caball.
- Inocybe purpureoflavida K.B.Vrinda & C.K.Pradeep
- Inocybe pusillima (Corner & E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe pusillula Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe pusina F.H.Møller
- Inocybe pusio P.Karst.
- 小丝盖伞 Inocybe putilla Bres.
- Inocybe pygmaeiformis Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe pyriformis Takah.Kobay. & S.Kurogi
- 梨香丝盖伞 Inocybe pyriodora (Pers.) P.Kumm.
- Inocybe pyrotricha D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe queletii Konrad
- Inocybe quercetorum Reumaux
- 辐射状丝盖伞 Inocybe radiata Peck
- Inocybe rainierensis D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe rasiana Sacc. & Trotter
- Inocybe ravaensis Kalamees & Shchukin
- Inocybe redolens Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe reisneri Romagn.
- Inocybe rekhankitha K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe relicina (Fr.) Quél.
- Inocybe rennyi (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.
- Inocybe rennyi Berk. & Broome
- 波状丝盖伞 Inocybe repanda (Bull.) Bres.
- Inocybe reticulata Cout.
- Inocybe retipes G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe rhodella Matheny, Aime & M.E.Sm.
- Inocybe rhombispora Massee
- Inocybe rigidipes Peck
- 裂丝盖伞 Inocybe rimosa (Bull.) P. Kumm.,裂丝丝盖伞,异名:黄丝盖伞 Inocybe fastigiata (Schaeff.) Quél.
- Inocybe rimosobispora Bizio, Esteve-Rav. & Contu
- 裂缘丝盖伞 Inocybe rimosoides
- Inocybe rimulosa C.K.Pradeep & Matheny
- Inocybe rivularis Jacobsson & Vauras
- Inocybe robabrunae Esteve-Raventós & Vila
- Inocybe robiginosa E.Ludw.
- Inocybe rocabrunae Esteve-Rav. & Vila
- Inocybe rohlenae Velen.
- Inocybe romana Lonati
- Inocybe roseascens Bizio, Bahram, Tedersoo, Orzes & Saitta
- Inocybe roseifolia Murrill
- Inocybe roseipes Malençon
- Inocybe rosella Velen.
- Inocybe roseola Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe rostrata Velen.
- Inocybe rubellipes G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe rubens (R.Heim) Huijsman
- Inocybe rubidofracta E.Ferrari
- Inocybe rubrobrunnea K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe rufescens Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe rufidula Kauffman
- 红白丝盖伞 Inocybe rufoalba J.E.Lange
- Inocybe rufoalba Pat. & Doassans
- Inocybe rufoalba Sacc.
- Inocybe rufobadia Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe rufobrunnea J.Favre
- Inocybe rufoflavipes Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe rufofusca (J.Favre) Bon
- Inocybe rufolutea J.Favre
- Inocybe rufotacta Schwöbel & Stangl
- Inocybe rufula Malençon ex Alessio
- Inocybe rufuloides Bon
- Inocybe rupestris J.Favre
- Inocybe sabuletorum (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Sacc.
- Inocybe sabulicola Carteret, Réaudin & Reumaux
- Inocybe saliceticola Vauras & Kokkonen
- Inocybe salicis Kühner
- Inocybe salicis-herbaceae Kühner
- Inocybe sambucella G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe sambucina (Fr.) Quél.
- Inocybe sandrae Zitzmann
- Inocybe sapinea Velen.
- Inocybe saponacea Kuyper
- Inocybe scabella Romagn.s.Cooke et al.
- 凳状丝盖伞 Inocybe scabella Sacc.
- Inocybe scabelliformis Malençon
- 粗糙丝盖伞 Inocybe scabra
- Inocybe scabriuscula E.Horak
- Inocybe scissa (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe sclerotiicola R.Heim & Gilles
- Inocybe scobifera E.Horak
- Inocybe scoriae E.Ludw.
- Inocybe sejuncta Matheny, Bougher & M.D.Barrett
- Inocybe semifulva Grund & D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe semilutescens Singer
- Inocybe senkawaensis Kobayasi
- Inocybe sericella Takah.Kobay. & S.Onishi
- Inocybe sericeopoda Furrer-Ziogas
- Inocybe serotina Peck
- Inocybe serrata Cleland
- Inocybe serratoides Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe shawarensis A.Naseer & A.N.Khalid
- Inocybe shoreae (E.Horak & Bas) Garrido
- Inocybe siciliana Brugaletta, Consiglio & M.Marchetti
- Inocybe sierraensis Kropp & Matheny
- Inocybe silvae-herbaceae Kokkonen & Vauras
- Inocybe silvana K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe similis Bres.
- 毒丝盖伞 Inocybe sindonia (Fr.) P.Karst.
- Inocybe sinuospora Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe siskiyouensis Kauffman
- Inocybe snigdha K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe solida Velen.
- Inocybe solitaria Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe soluta Velen.
- Inocybe sordida Rick
- 成堆丝盖伞 Inocybe sororia
- Inocybe spadicea Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe specialis (Britzelm.) Sacc. & Traverso
- 球孢丝盖伞 Inocybe sphaerospora Kobayasi
- Inocybe sphagnophila Bandini & B.Oertel
- Inocybe spiniformis Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe spinosae Velen.
- Inocybe spinulifera E.Horak
- 光亮丝盖伞 Inocybe splendens R.Heim
- Inocybe splendentoides Bon
- Inocybe splendidissima Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe squamosa Bres.
- Inocybe squamosodisca Peck
- Inocybe squamulosa Kobayasi
- Inocybe squarrosa Rea
- Inocybe squarrosoamethystina Singer
- 鳞褐丝盖伞 Inocybe squarrosofulva S.N.Li, Y.G.Fan & Z.H.Chen, 2021
- Inocybe squarrosolutea (Corner & E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe stangliana Kuyper
- Inocybe staurospora (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe stellata E.Horak, Matheny & Desjardin
- Inocybe stellatospora (Peck) Massee
- Inocybe stellifera Arnolds
- Inocybe stenospora Stangl & Bresinsky
- Inocybe straminea (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe straminipes Romagn.
- Inocybe straminipes Weholt
- Inocybe striatiformis Murrill
- Inocybe striatorimosa P.D.Orton
- Inocybe striatula (Cleland) Grgur.
- Inocybe strickeriana Bandini, Anja Schneid. & M.Scholler
- Inocybe striipes Kühner
- Inocybe strobilacea E.Horak
- Inocybe strobilomyces E.Horak
- Inocybe stuntzii Grund
- Inocybe suaveolens D.E.Stuntz
- 亚白盖丝盖伞 Inocybe subalbidodisca Stangl & J.Veselský
- Inocybe subangustifolia Matheny, Bougher & Halling
- Inocybe subargentea Singer
- Inocybe subasterospora Cleland & Cheel
- Inocybe subbrunnea Kühner
- 亚果丝盖伞 Inocybe subcarpta Kühner & Boursier
- Inocybe subcervicolor Bon
- Inocybe subclavata (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe subconnexa Murrill
- Inocybe subdecipiens Bres. ex Bellù, Bizio & M.Marchetti
- 光褐丝盖伞 Inocybe subdestricta Kauffman
- Inocybe subeutheloides Murrill
- Inocybe subexilis (Peck) Sacc.
- Inocybe subferruginea Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe subfibrosoides Singer
- Inocybe subfulva Peck
- Inocybe subfulviformis Murrill
- Inocybe subfuscocinnamomea Singer
- Inocybe subgeophylla Henn.
- Inocybe subgeophyllomorpha Singer
- Inocybe subgiacomi C.L.Cripps, Vauras & E.Larss.
- Inocybe subgigacystis Singer
- Inocybe subgranulosa P.Karst.
- Inocybe subhirtella Bon
- Inocybe subhygrophana E.Ludw. & W.Diekow
- Inocybe subionipes Deïana & Carteret
- Inocybe sublanuginosa Rick
- Inocybe sublilacina Matheny & A.Voitk
- Inocybe sublongipes Murrill
- Inocybe submaculipes J.Favre
- Inocybe submicrospora Velen.
- Inocybe submuricellata G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe subnodulosa Murrill
- Inocybe subnudipes Kühner
- Inocybe subochracea (Peck) Earle
- Inocybe suboreina Moënne-Locc., Poirier & Reumaux
- Inocybe subovalispora Riousset & Bon
- Inocybe subpaleacea Kühner
- Inocybe subpelargonium Beller
- Inocybe subporospora Kuyper
- Inocybe subpraetervisa Carteret
- Inocybe subprominens Murrill
- Inocybe subpulverulenta Matheny, Bougher & Lepp
- Inocybe subradiata Murrill
- Inocybe subretipes Singer
- Inocybe subrimosa (P.Karst.) Sacc.
- Inocybe subroindica Banning & Peck
- Inocybe subrubens Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe subscabella Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe substellata Kühner
- Inocybe substraminea Alessio
- Inocybe subtilis Takah.Kobay.
- Inocybe subtomentosa Peck
- Inocybe subtrivialis Esteve-Rav., M.Villarreal & Heykoop
- Inocybe subvatricosa Rick
- Inocybe subvirgata Reumaux
- 亚托丝盖伞 Inocybe subvolvata Hongo
- Inocybe suecica Vauras & E.Larss.
- Inocybe sulfovirescens Poirier
- Inocybe sylvicola Matheny, Bougher & G.M.Gates
- Inocybe tabacina Furrer-Ziogas
- Inocybe taedophila Murrill
- Inocybe tahquamenonensis D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe tarda Kühner
- Inocybe tarda Stangl
- Inocybe tasmanica Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe tauensis Kropp & Albee-Scott
- Inocybe taxocystis (J.Favre & E.Horak) Senn-Irlet
- Inocybe tenax Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe tenebricoides Kühner
- 阴暗丝盖伞 Inocybe tenebrosa Quél.
- Inocybe tenerella (J.Favre) J.Favre, 1960
- Inocybe tenuis Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe tequendamae Singer
- Inocybe teraturgus M.M.Moser
- Inocybe terrifera Kühner
- 地丝盖伞 Inocybe terrigena
- Inocybe tertia Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe tetragonospora Kühner
- Inocybe texensis Thiers
- Inocybe thailandica E.Horak, Matheny & Desjardin
- 虎斑纹丝盖伞 Inocybe tigrina R.Heim
- Inocybe tigrinella Carteret & Reumaux
- Inocybe tiliae Franchi, M.Marchetti & Papetti
- Inocybe timpetuana Bandini & B.Oertel, 2021
- Inocybe titibuensis Kobayasi
- Inocybe tjallingiorum Kuyper
- Inocybe tomentipes Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe tomentosa Quél.
- Inocybe tonalei Bizio & C.Rossi
- Inocybe torresiae Matheny, Bougher & M.D.Barrett
- Inocybe trachysperma Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe transitoria (Britzelm.) Sacc.
- 糖孢丝盖伞 Inocybe trechispora (Berk.) P.Karst.
- Inocybe treneri Bres.
- Inocybe tricolor Kühner
- Inocybe trinii (Weinm.) Quél.
- Inocybe trinii Bres.
- Inocybe tristis Hruby
- Inocybe tubarioides G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe tulearensis L.M.Dufour & H.Poiss.
- Inocybe tumidula Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe tundrae E.Ludw.
- Inocybe turbata E.Horak
- Inocybe turci
- Inocybe turfosa Velen.
- Inocybe uliginosa Velen.
- Inocybe umboninota (Peck) Peck
- 荫生丝盖伞 Inocybe umbratica Quél.
- Inocybe umbrinescens Murrill
- Inocybe umbrinodisca Kühner
- Inocybe umbrosa E.Horak
- Inocybe undinea Bandini, P.-A.Moreau & B.Oertel
- Inocybe undulatospora Kuyper
- Inocybe urbana Alessio
- Inocybe urbana Alessio ex Franchi, M.Marchetti & Papetti
- Inocybe urceolicystis Stangl & Vauras
- Inocybe ursinella M.Lange
- Inocybe vaccicolor
- Inocybe vaccina Kühner
- Inocybe vagata Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe valida Malençon
- Inocybe variabillima Speg.
- Inocybe variispora Fern.Sas.
- Inocybe velata Franchi & M.Marchetti
- Inocybe velenovskyi Boursier & Kühner
- Inocybe ventricosa G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe venustissima Bandini & B.Oertel
- Inocybe verbanensis Bon & E.Ferrari
- Inocybe vestalis Bandini, Weholt & B.Oertel, 2020
- Inocybe vestipedes Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe vialis Murrill
- Inocybe vicina E.Horak
- Inocybe villosa Bandini, B.Oertel & U.Eberh.
- Inocybe vinaceobrunnea Matheny
- Inocybe violacea Massee
- Inocybe violaceifolia Peck
- Inocybe violaceoalbipes G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe violaceocaulis Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe violaceolamellata Rick
- Inocybe violaceovelata E.Horak
- Inocybe violeipes E.Horak
- Inocybe viraktha K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe virgata G.F.Atk.
- Inocybe viridiumbonata Pegler
- Inocybe viscata (E.Horak) Garrido
- Inocybe viscidula R.Heim
- Inocybe viscosissima (Fr.) P.Karst.
- Inocybe vittata Matheny, Bougher & Ryberg
- Inocybe volvata D.E.Stuntz
- Inocybe vulpina Takah.Kobay.
- 狐色丝盖伞 Inocybe vulpinella Bruyl.
- Inocybe wayanadensis K.P.D.Latha & Manim.
- Inocybe weberi Murrill
- 怀特丝盖伞 Inocybe whitei (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.
- Inocybe woglindeana Bandini, Vauras & Weholt
- Inocybe xanthocystis Matheny & Bougher
- Inocybe xantholeuca Kuyper
- 黄黑丝盖伞 Inocybe xanthomelas Boursier & Kühner
- Inocybe xerophytica Pegler
- Inocybe zangherii Bres.
- Inocybe zonatipes E.Horak
- . GBIF. [2022-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-21).
- K. P. Deepna Latha, Patinjareveettil Manimohan and P. Brandon Matheny. 2016. A New Species of Inocybe representing the Nothocybe lineage. Phytotaxa. 267(1); DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.267.1.4
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