三元论 (神学)
以下许多神学家都见于路易·伯克富(Louis Berkhof)的《系统神学》、[1] 史特朗(Augustus H. Strong)的《系统神学》、[2] 简·雅各布·范·奥斯特兹(Jan Jacob van Oosterzee)的《基督教教义》(Christian Dogmatics)、[3] 约翰·比克福德·赫德(John Bickford Heard)的《人的三重性》(Tripartite Nature of Man),[4]和亨利·德·吕巴克(Henri de Lubac)的《历史与精神》。[5]。
姓名 | 出生 | 逝世 | 神学传统 | 主要著作 | 引用者 |
游斯丁(Justin Martyr) | 100 | 165 | 早期基督教护教士 | 《论复活》(On the Resurrection)[6] | 奥斯特兹、赫德 |
他提安(Tatian) | 120 | 180 | 早期基督教护教士 | 《致希腊人书》(Tatian's Address to the Greeks)[7] | 奥斯特兹《早期基督教信仰词典》[8] |
革利免(Clement of Alexandria) | 150 | 215 | 教父 | 伯克富 | |
墨利托(Melito) | ? | 180 | 撒狄主教 | 奥斯特兹 | |
希坡律陀(Hippolytus of Rome) | 170 | 235 | 罗马教会长老 | 但以理书注解第2册,第38页 | 吕巴克 |
俄利根(Origen) | 184 | 253 | 教父 | 《论基要教理》(De Principiis) Book 2,关于魂[9] | 奥斯特兹、伯克富、吕巴克[10] |
爱任纽(Irenaeus) | 2世纪 | 202 | 教父 | 《驳异端》(Against Heresies)[11] | 奥斯特兹 |
该撒利亚的优西比乌(Eusebius) | 260/265 | 339/340 | 罗马历史学家、凯撒利亚主教 | 诗篇102篇20节注解[12] | 吕巴克 |
亚波里拿留(Apollinarius) | ? | 390 | 叙利亚老底嘉主教 | 伯克富 | |
狄迪莫斯(Didymus of Alexandria) | 313 | 398 | 科普特教会神学家 | 传道者注解;[13]诗篇注解[14] | 理乍得·阿莱顿[15] 吕巴克 |
该撒利亚的巴西流(Basil of Caesarea) | 329 | 379 | 教父 | Homily 21[16] | 吕巴克 |
圣额我略·纳齐安(Gregory of Nazianzus) | 329 | 389/390 | 教父、君士坦丁堡大主教 | Poems, bk. 1, sec. 1, 8 (On the Soul)[17] | 吕巴克 |
尼撒的贵格利(Gregory of Nyssa) | 335 | 395 | 教父 | On the Making of Man 8.4–6[18] | 伯克富 |
大马士革的圣约翰(John of Damascus) | 645/676 | 749 | 东正教 | 史特朗 | |
若望·克利马古(John Climacus) | 7世纪 | ? | 7世纪修士 | 《乐园阶梯》(Scala Paradisi,The Ladder of Divine Ascent)[19] | |
马丁·路德(Martin Luther) | 1483 | 1546 | 德国宗教改革领袖 | Commentary on the Magnificat[20] | Delitzsch |
托马斯·杰克逊(Thomas Jackson) | 1579 | 1640 | 英国神学家, Arminian | ||
托马斯·怀特(Thomas White) | 1593 | 1676 | 罗马天主教神父、学者 | ||
陶德瑞(Philip Doddridge) | 1702 | 1751 | 英国非国教徒领袖 | A Paraphrase and Notes on the First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians[21] | |
Magnus Friedrich Roos | 1727 | 1803 | German Lutheran theologian | Outlines of Psychology drawn from the Holy Scriptures | 伯克富 |
Seraphim of Sarov | 1754 | 1833 | Russian Orthodox Theologian | St. Seraphim of Sarov's Conversation with Nicholas Motovilov | |
Adam Clarke | 1762 | 1832 | British Methodist theologian | Clarke's Commentary on the Bible | |
Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert | 1780 | 1860 | German Theologian | 奥斯特兹 | |
Karl Friedrich Goschel | 1784 | 1861 | Prussian Right Hegelian | Herzog, Realencyclopadie, article "Seele" | 史特朗 |
August Neander | 1789 | 1850 | German theologian and church historian | History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles[22] | 史特朗 |
Hermann Olshausen | 1796 | 1839 | German theologian | Opuscula Theologica[23] and Commentary on 1 Thes. 5:23 | 史特朗、伯克富 |
Leonhard Usteri | 1799 | 1833 | Swiss Reformed theologian | Entwickelung Des Paulinischen Lehrbegriffes[24] | 史特朗 |
August Friedrich Christian Vilmar | 1800 | 1868 | German Neo-Lutheran theologian | Dogmatik: Akademische Vorlesungen | G. C. Berkouwer[25] |
Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer | 1800 | 1873 | German Protestant theologian | Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament[26] | |
Johann Tobias Beck | 1804 | 1878 | German theologian | Outlines of Biblical Psychology[27] | 史特朗、伯克富 |
亨利·阿福德(Henry Alford) | 1810 | 1871 | 英国圣公会神学家、圣经学者 | New Testament for English Readers[28] | |
Frederic Charles Cook | 1810 | 1889 | English churchman and linguist | The Speaker's Commentary[29] | |
Johann Gottfried Hausmann | 1811 | 1901 | |||
Gustav Friedrich Oehler | 1812 | 1872 | German Lutheran theologian | Theology of the Old Testament | 伯克富 |
索伦·奥贝·克尔凯郭尔(Søren Kierkegaard) | 1813 | 1855 | 丹麦路德宗 | The Concept of Anxiety, 《致死的疾病》(The Sickness Unto Death), or De omnibus dubitandum est. A Narrative | |
Franz Delitzsch | 1813 | 1890 | German Lutheran theologian | Biblical Psychology | 伯克富 |
威廉·史密斯(William Smith) | 1813 | 1893 | English Lexicographer | Smith's Bible Dictionary[30] | |
Theophan the Recluse | 1815 | 1894 | Russian Orthodox Theologian | The Spiritual Life | |
简·雅各布·范·奥斯特兹(Jan Jacob van Oosterzee) | 1817 | 1882 | 荷兰 | 《基督教教义》(Christian Dogmatics) | 史特朗 |
Charles John Ellicott | 1819 | 1905 | Anglican theologian | Destiny of the Creature[31] | 史特朗 |
A. R. Fausset | 1821 | 1910 | Anglican theologian | Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary[32] | |
Karl August Auberlen | 1824 | 1864 | German Lutheran theologian | Geist des Menschen im Biblischen Sinne | 史特朗、伯克富 |
George Boardman the Younger | 1828 | 1903 | Baptist | "The Scriptural Anthropology." Baptist Quarterly Vol. 1[33] | 史特朗 |
慕安德烈(Andrew Murray) | 1828 | 1917 | 南非荷兰归正会 | 《基督的灵》(The Spirit of Christ)[34] | |
约翰·比克福德·赫德(John Bickford Heard) | 1828 | ? | 《人的三重性》(Tripartite Nature of Man)[35] | 史特朗、伯克富 | |
Henry Liddon | 1829 | 1890 | English Theologian | John Laidlaw[36] | |
Hermann Cremer | 1834 | 1903 | German Protestant theologian | Biblico-theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek[37] | 史特朗 |
司可福(C. I. Scofield) | 1843 | 1921 | 美国神学家 | 《司可福串注圣经》(Scofield Reference Bible)[38] | |
乔治·彭伯(G. H. Pember) | 1837 | 1910 | 普利茅斯弟兄会解经家 | 《地的最早时期》(Earth's Earliest Ages)[39] | |
Otto Stockmayer | 1838 | 1917 | German Holiness Movement | 倪柝声《属灵人》 | |
弗雷德里克·迈尔(F. B. Meyer) | 1847 | 1929 | 英国浸信会牧师 | 倪柝声《属灵人》 & Latent Power of the Soul | |
James M Stalker | 1848 | 1929 | Scottish preacher | Christian Psychology[40] | |
Clarence Larkin | 1850 | 1924 | Protestant (Baptist) | Dispensational Truth or God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages[41] | |
宾路易师母(Jessie Penn-Lewis) | 1861 | 1927 | 更正教(Welsh) | 《魂与灵》(Soul and Spirit)、《众圣徒的争战》(War on The Saints) | |
麦敦诺师母(Mary E. McDonough) | 1863 | 1962 | 《神救赎的计划》(God's Plan of Redemption)[42] | ||
Lewis Sperry Chafer | 1871 | 1952 | 美国更正教神学家 | Systematic Theology Vol. 1&2[43] | Gordon R. Lewis and Bruce A. Demarest in Integrative Theology[44] |
George H. Lang | 1874 | 1958 | 普利茅斯弟兄会 | Firstfruits and Harvest[45] | |
伊凡·罗伯斯 | 1878 | 1951 | 威尔士 Calvinist Methodist | 《众圣徒的争战》(War on The Saints)[46] | |
Robert Lightfoot | 1883 | 1953 | 圣公会牧师、神学家 | John Laidlaw[47] | |
William Theodore Heard | 1884 | 1973 | 罗马天主教枢机主教 | ||
Arthur W. Pink | 1886 | 1952 | Reformed | The Great Change, Regeneration, Or, The New Birth,[48] Gleanings in Genesis[49] | |
Herbert Lockyer | 1886 | 1984 | All the Doctrines of the Bible[50] | 约翰伍德沃德 | |
史百克(Theodore Austin-Sparks) | 1888 | 1971 | 英国基督教传道人 | What is Man? | 约翰伍德沃德 |
安汝慈(Ruth Paxson) | 1889 | 1949 | 新教 | 《最高的生命》(Life on the Highest Plane)[51] | |
倪柝声 | 1903 | 1972 | 中国基督徒领袖 | 《属灵人》(The Spiritual Man)、《人的破碎与灵的出来》(The Release of the Spirit) | |
George S. Hendry | 1904 | 1993 | Reformed Theologian | The Holy Spirit in Christian Theology[52] | |
李常受 | 1905 | 1997 | 中国基督徒领袖 | 《生命的认识》(The Knowledge of Life)、《神的经纶》(The Economy of God)、《那灵同我们的灵》(The Spirit with Our Spirit) | |
E.C.Bragg | 1912 | 1995 | 美国福音派神学家 | ||
Lehman Strauss | ? | 1997 | 浸信会 | 《三部份的人:灵、魂、体》(Man A Trinity:Spirit, Soul, Body) | |
Mark G Cambron | 1911 | 2000 | Bible Doctrines[53] | 约翰伍德沃德 | |
Lester Sumrall | 1913 | 1996 | American Pentecostal pastor and evangelist | 《灵、魂与体》(Spirit, Soul and Body)[54] | |
S. Lewis Johnson Jr. | 1915 | 2004 | 美国长老会神学家 | Man and his Nature, part 1[55] | |
Gleason Archer | 1916 | 2004 | 美国神学家 | Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties[56] | |
P. B. Fitzwater | ? | ? | Christian Theology A Systematic Presentation[57] | 约翰伍德沃德 |
- 二元论
- 人论
- Christian psychology
- 一元论
- Berkhof, Systematic Theology, p. 191-192.
- Strong, Systematic Theology, p. 484.
- Van Oosterzee, Christian Dogmatics, p. 366.
- Heard, The Tripartite Nature of Man, p. x.
- de Lubac, History and Spirit, p. 178-179.
- Justin, 'Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol 1, p. 298. "For the body is the house of the soul; and the soul the house of the spirit." Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Tatian, Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol 2, p. 70. "We recognize two varieties of spirit, one of which is called the soul, but the other is greater than the soul, an image and likeness of God: both existed in the first men, that in one sense they might be material, and in another superior to matter."
- Bercot, Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, p. 627.
- Origen, Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 4, p. 289. "It appears that the soul is something intermediate between the weak flesh and the willing spirit." Vol. 4, p. 359. "For as man is said to consist of body, and soul, and spirit, so also does sacred Scripture, which has been granted by the divine bounty for the salvation of man."
- de Lubac, History and Spirit, p.172-181. Lubac offers a lengthy analysis of the source of Origen's anthropological trichotomy.
- Irenaeus, Ante-Nicene Fathers, p. 532. "For that flesh which has been moulded is not a perfect man in itself, but the body of a man, and part of a man. Neither is the soul itself, considered apart by itself, the man; but it is the soul of a man, and part of a man. Neither is the spirit a man, for it is called the spirit, and not a man; but the commingling and union of all these constitutes the perfect man." p. 534. "There are three things out of which, as I have shown, the complete man is composed- flesh, soul, and spirit. One of these does indeed preserve and fashion [the man]- this is the spirit; while as to another it is united and formed- that is the flesh; then [comes] that which is between these two- that is the soul, which sometimes indeed, when it follows the spirit, is raised up by it, but sometimes it sympathizes with the flesh, and falls into carnal lusts."
- Patrologia Graeca 23:1267D. Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Eccl.T. 124.19–28, 337.8–24
- Patrologia Graeca 39:1256B, 1324A, 1400A, 1577C. Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Layton, Didymus the Blind, p. 186, note 31
- Basil, Homily 21, no. 5. (Patrologia Graeca 31:549A).
- Patrologia Graeca 37:452.
- On the Making of Man.Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Climacus, Ladder of Divine Ascent. "I called with my whole heart, says the Psalmist, that is, with body, soul, and spirit. For where the two last are gathered together, there God is in the midst of them" (28.61)
- Martin Luther, Luther's Works , ed., Jaroslar Pelikan (St. Louis: Concordia, 1956), 21:303–304.
- The Works of the Rev. P. Doddridge, Volume 9 (1805). "May the God of peace himself... sanctify you entirely, in all the parts of your nature; and [I pray God that] your whole constitution, or frame, your rational spirit, your animal soul, and your body, animated by it, may be so kept blameless....It is very evident, that the apostle, in the following words, refers to a notion which... prevailed among the rabbies as well as the philosophers, that the person of a man was constituted of three distinct substances, the rational spirit, the animal soul, and the visible body." p. 536. Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Neander, History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church, p. 394-395. Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Olshausen, Opuscula Theologica, p. 134.
- Usteri, Entwickelung Des Paulinischen Lehrbegriffes, p. 384.
- Berkouwer, Man: The Image of God, p. 210
- Meyer, Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, on 1 Thes 5:23.
- Beck, Outlines of Biblical Psychology, p. 31.
- Alford, New Testament for English Readers, Vol 2, p. 936-937. "Sensual- we have no English word for the quality here implied in the Greek word psychikos; and our biblical psychology is, by this defect, entirely at fault. The psyche is the center of the personal being, the 'I' of each individual. It is in each man bound to the spirit, man's higher part, and to the body, man's lower part; drawn upwards by the one, downwards by the other. He who gives himself up to the lower appetites, is fleshly; he who by communion of his spirit with God's Spirit is employed in the higher aims of his being, is spiritual. He who rests midway, thinking only of self and self's interests, is the psychikos, the selfish man, the man in whom the spirit is sunk and degraded into subordination to the subordinate psyche... Not having spirit- not directly the Holy Spirit of God, but the higher spiritual life of man's spirit in communion with the Holy Spirit. These men have not indeed ceased to have a spirit, as a part of their own tripartite nature: but they have ceased to possess it in any worthy sense: it is degraded beneath and under the power of the psyche, the personal life, so as to have no real vitality of its own.
- The Holy Bible According to the Authorized Version (A.D. 1611): With an Explanatory & Critical Commentary & a Revision of the Translation, by Bishops & Other Clergy of the Anglican Church. Vol. 3. New York: Scribner, Armstrong &, 1881. pp. 258, 330–331, 729–730. Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- The article on Resurrection is where the support lies. It is written by Rev. Daniel Raynes Goodwin, but as Smith is the general editor, he seems to condone this view. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible. Rev. and edited by H.B. Hackett & Ezra Abbot, Vol. 4. 1870, p. 2712 Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Ellicott, Destiny of the Creature, p. 106-125.
- Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary, On 1 Thes. 5:23, Jude 19
- Boardman, Baptist Quarterly Vol. 1,Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Murray, The Spirit of Christ, pp 159–160, 193.
- Heard, The Tripartite Nature of Man, p. 62-114.
- Laidlaw, The Biblical Doctrine of Man, p. 67
- Cremer, Biblico-theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek, p. 503-510, 582–586.
- Scofield Reference Bible, Note on 1 Thes. 5:23. Online.
- Pember, Earth's Earliest Ages, p. 74-77.
- Stalker, Christian Psychology, p. 47-65.
- Larkin, Dispensational Truth or God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages, p. 97-98. Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- McDonough, God's Plan of Redemption, p. 16-17. "The terms 'inner man' and 'outer man', or their equivalents, are employed in modern psychology, but the psychology of the Bible is more analytical inasmuch as it indicates a subdivision of the invisible part of man, thus teaching us that man is not dichotomous but is a trichotomous being.
- Chafer, Systematic Theology, p. 180-187
- . [2020-12-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-27).
- Lang, Firstfruits and Harvest, Ch 5. "This threefold composition of man is implied everywhere in the Word of God, and sometimes is distinctly stated." Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Roberts, War on The Saints, p. 209. "Christ wrought out for man upon Calvary's Cross salvation of spirit, soul, and body, from the dominion of sin and Satan; but that full salvation is wrought out in the believer through the central action of the will, as he deliberately chooses the will of God for each department of his tripartite nature."
- Laidlaw, The Biblical Doctrine of Man, p. 67.
- Pink, Regeneration, Ch 2. Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Pink, Gleanings in Genesis, p. 107. "Is it not clear then that the ark divided into three stories more than hints at our threefold salvation in Christ? The salvation which we have in Christ is a threefold one, and that in a double sense. It is a salvation which embraces each part of our threefold constitution, making provision for the redemption of our spirit, and soul, and body (1 Thes. 5:23); and further, our salvation is a three tense salvation—we have been saved from the penalty of sin, are being saved from the power of sin, we shall yet be saved from the presence of sin."
- Lockyer, All the Doctrines of the Bible, p. 143-145.
- Paxson, Life on the Highest Plane, p. 24-28. On p. 26- "Man, then, is a trinity; spirit, soul, and body are the integral parts of his triune being." Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Hendry, The Holy Spirit in Christian Theology, Ch. 5.
- Cambron, Bible Doctrines, p. 20, 62–63, 120–134.
- Sumrall, Spirit, Soul and Body (Springdale: WhitakerHouse, 1995).
- Man and his Nature, part 1. Online (页面存档备份,存于).
- Archer, Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, p. 260. "Quite clearly then, the spirit is distinct from the soul, or else these verses add up to tautological nonsense. We therefore conclude that man is not dichotomic (to use the technical theological term)but trichotomic."
- Fitzwater, Christian Theology A Systematic Presentation, p. 309.
- The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Ed. Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson. Reprint. 10 Vols. Peabody: Hendrickson, 1994.
- Alford, Henry. The New Testament for English Readers. 2 Vols. London: Rivingtons, 1872.
- Augustine. Confessions: Books I-XIII. Trans. F. J. Sheed. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub., 1993.
- Berkhof, Louis. Systematic Theology. Eerdmans, 1996.
- Boardman, George D. "The Scriptural Anthropology." Baptist Quarterly Vol. 1 (1867): 177–190, 325–340, 428–444.
- Delitzsch, Franz. A System of Biblical Psychology. Trans. Robert E. Wallis. 2nd, English ed. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1885.
- Ellicott, C. J. The Destiny of the Creature. London: Longmans, Green, 1865.
- Good, Roger. "The Parts of Man in Translation." Affirmation and Critique II.4 (October 1997).
- Good, Roger. "The Progressive Revelation of Man." Affirmation and Critique III.1 (January 1998).
- Heard, John Bickford. The Tripartite Nature of Man. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1868.
- Hendry, George S. The Holy Spirit in Christian Theology. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1956.
- Hodge, Charles. Systematic Theology. Ed. Edward N. Gross. Abridged ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1992.
- "Is Man Tripartite or Bipartite?" Catholic Answers. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 May 2017.
- Kelley, John N. D. Early Christian Doctrines. 5th, revised ed. London: Continuum, 1977.
- Lang, G. H. Firstfruits and Harvest: A Study in Resurrection and Rapture. Miami Springs, FL: Conley & Schoettle Pub., 1985.
- Layton, Richard A. Didymus the Blind and His Circle in Late-antique Alexandria. Urbana: University of Illinois, 2004
- Lee, Witness. The Spirit With Our Spirit. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1994.
- Lee, Witness. The Knowledge of Life. 2nd ed. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1988.
- Lubac, Henri De. History and Spirit: The Understanding of Scripture According to Origen. San Francisco: Ignatius, 2007.
- Marais, J. I. "Psychology." International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 1939.
- McDonough, Mary E. God's Plan of Redemption. Bournemouth: Overcomer Book Room, 1922.
- Nee, Watchman. The Spiritual Man. New York: Christian Fellowship, 1968.
- Oehler, Gust Fr. Theology of the Old Testament. Trans. George Edward Day. 2nd ed. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1884.
- Pelikan, Jaroslav. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Vol. 1: The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100–600). Chicago: University of Chicago, 1971.
- Pember, G. H. Earth's Earliest Ages. London: Pickering & Inglis, 1900.
- Pester, John. "The Human Spirit in the Experience of the Triune God." Affirmation and Critique I.2 (April 1996).
- Pink, Arthur W. Gleanings in Genesis. Paperback ed. Chicago, IL: Moody, 1922.
- Scofield, C. I. The New Scofield Reference Bible. New York: Oxford UP, 1967.
- Schaff, Philip. History of the Christian Church. Vol 3. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979.
- Stalker, James. Christian Psychology. New York and London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1914.
- Strong, Augustus H. Systematic Theology. Valley Forge, PA: Judson, 1907.
- Van Oosterzee, Jan Jacob. Christian Dogmatics. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1874.
- Woodward, John B. Man as Spirit, Soul, and Body: A Study of Biblical Psychology. Pigeon Forge, TN.: Grace Fellowship International, 2007.
- The Tripartite Makeup of Man (页面存档备份,存于) (wholereason.com)
- Tripartite Man (页面存档备份,存于) (tripartiteman.org)
- The Collected Works of Watchman Nee (页面存档备份,存于)
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